Sling Shot

  “Jennifer! Come on, face your fear!”

My big sister Melissa begged me. I was getting begged to get on the tallest ride at Virginia Beach, The Slingshot. Deep down I knew,  I didn’t want to. I was scared to death. Although my uncle had already paid my entrance and no one wanted to take my place, so I guess I was getting on NO MATTER WHAT. My sister and I were next in line. I was nervous, but I thought to myself  “A lot of kids SMALLER than me go on and their fine, and so should I.” At that moment I felt confident but when I looked up, I saw the ball rolling, jumping and heard people yelling and their feet looked like it was going to fall off or break. The last kids came out dizzy and laughing. I imagined being up there already but it was time, Melissa and I were next. I saw Melissa’s face, she was smiling and ready to go. Melissa wasn’t afraid of heights, she loves scary and high things. They called us over, I slowly walked to the ride. I wasn’t sure of getting on, I had butterflies in my stomach, I was afraid, only bad thoughts came on my mind about this ride.  We sat down and the man made sure we were well secured. The man came over to us and told  us when he was letting us go. I was scared but also proud of myself for facing my fear. He told us this

“I’m going to countdown from ten “

he said. After a minute he was counting down, while that, the ball we were in started spinning.

“9…8…7…6…5… BOOM!!

The wind quickly hit my face, I could smell the Ocean salt water and the sea gulls very near me. I felt like I was going to fly off my seat. The ball was spinning very fast, in the background I could hear my sister laughing and yelling.

       I tried to look at the camera, because they were recording and taking pictures but it was hard. The ball was in the air rolling and my feet were hanging.  I was barefoot since my sandals would fly off on the ride. The Ride got scary at points but I just closed my eyes and screamed. When my eyes were opened I could see everything twisting around and upside down for a while. In my head I was wondering how long  was this ride, I felt like it was forever. When the ball was jumping and rotating, I could hear other people yelling in the other rides, yet the SlingShot was the highest one there. When they put us face down I  felt like we were falling off, because the seatbelt was kinda loose and you were rolling around in the seat. I felt very dizzy and my head started to hurt. I was enjoying the last part of the ride though. After being scared, for nothing! I knew this was the funnest ride that I had gotten on the whole year. The ride gave its last FAST spin in the air and came down slowly. I was kind of  mad how it was over and I was barely starting to like it. My sister told me that her throat was hurting, well off course it was she was yelling and laughing the whole time!

“Was it fun?” I asked “Ohhhh YESS!”

Replied Melissa. She wanted to go again. But instead she said

“Next Time”

       When we were at the bottom the man asked if it was scary I answered “Kinda” my sister said ‘No” right away. She was sure enjoying it once we got on.The man helped us out and I saw my uncle and my aunt laughing and smiling because we came out all dizzy.

 “Wasn’t that scary was it?” he said. “It was in the beginning but it was fun at the end.”

 I responded. My sister was proud of me, because I had faced my fear that day. I felt proud and confident also. I wanted to get on again, but instead I left it for next time. I couldn’t wait to come back and get on it again. That day at Virginia Beach was the best. Melissa and I enjoyed all the rides but especially the Sling Shot. It was getting dark on that Saturday night so we got our picture and went to walk by the ocean.

                                                                               Best Memory Of Virginia Beach 2013!

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