Spooning Style

  As soon as I saw the poster, I knew it was perfect for me. The play had ended and to my disappointment, I wasn’t in it, but I wasn’t going to miss my favorite activity back in elementary school: the talent show.

    I’m in sixth grade, not elementary school anymore, I thought wistfully, The school year is coming to an end, and I want to continue all the memories of talent shows: singing, dancing, reciting a tongue twister, playing the spoons.  After a few minutes of thought, I decided to play the spoons again.  But THIS time, it’s going to be a popular song. Not like when I was playing to A Spoonful of Sugar back in 2nd grade.  This time, it will be crowd-raising.

  I signed up on Thursday, but I didn’t realize I could that day until I heard the announcements in the afternoon.  I felt like I had forgotten something important.  It was only when I got to the mini-gym that I realized what it was.

“Oh my gosh!” I cried, “I forgot my spoons!!!!!”  Every time someone came down to the gym area, I would ask them, “Do you have any spare spoons?  Are you sure?  I need them!!!!!!”  No one had any.

    Then it was my turn to go in. In the mini-gym, a teacher was sitting back in a chair and writing on a clipboard.

    “What is your act?” he looked up and asked.

    “Um…” I said nervously, “I’m playing the spoons to Gangnam Style.”

   “Could you give me a preview?”

    “No.  I forgot my spoons,” I grinned embarrassedly.

   “Well, remember on the day of the talent show,” he laughed a bit, “and about the music, do you have a CD?”

   “Well, I can play it on my iPhone.”

   “Okay.  I think that’ll work.  See you on Friday.  Remember: practice, practice, practice!”

The next day, I went into the auditorium when they called for the performers.  I grabbed the two extra spoons from my lunchbox and headed to the auditorium.  Everything from then to my turn was a blur.  I faintly remember a group performance including Zoe, Paula, and Claire Williams, comedian magic from Sahle, and assorted songs and dances.  The next thing I knew, it was my turn.

  I went up to the backstage and handed the technician woman my iPhone to play Gangnam Style.  Then I went onstage.  As soon as I stepped out from the curtain and saw the crowd, my heart leapt into my throat.

   Calm down, Lillian, I encouraged myself, has fear ever stopped you before?  No!  You can do it.  You stumbled over the tongue twister in second grade.  You were the lead female role in fifth grade.  YOU SANG IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE SCHOOL (plus some parents) IN KINDERGARTEN!!!!!! Don’t let fear take you over now.

   And then the music started, and slowly my fear turned into joy, my worried face morphed into a smile, and I started shouting for happiness as I played.  Gangnam Style made the crowd go wild, and my spoons clicked out the rhythm and the beat of one of the most popular songs in the USA.  I saw the crowd clapping and singing.  I heard the chink of my spoons above the thunderous roar of the crowd singing along.  The sweat of dancing and playing the spoons made sweat drip along my hands.  But I didn’t care.  I was in my element, and I wasn’t going to stop until the song was over. I couldn’t.  It just had to come out.

    And as the final repetition of the chorus blasted out of the speakers, I yelled along with the crowd.

    “Opum Gangnam Style!!!!!!!!!!”

  I passed the rest of the talent show with a smile on my face.  When the last dance and song was over, all the contestants were called up to the stage.

    “Wow, Lillian,” Phoebe remarked, “I bet you’ve won.”

   “Couldn’t have,” I insisted, “I’ve never won a contest in my life.  You did great though.  I loved BOTH of your entries.”

    Just then, the hosts called for silence.  They talked to the crowd for a while, but then they said the magic words.

    “And, the first place winner is…”

    I hadn’t been called for third or second place.  I doubted I could’ve gotten first.

   “Lillian, with Spooning Style”

    SAY WHAT?!?!?!? I screamed in my head.  I would’ve never thought I would win first place.  But, miracles happen.  I had won.

  I got my prize the next week: an envelope with candy, a magnet, and four $5 coupons for the Dairy Godmother inside.  I gave the candy away (I didn’t like any of it), but I still have the magnet, coupons, and even the envelope on my fridge.  I doubt it will ever happen again, but maybe.

  And maybe this time I will be even better.  But for now…

… Go Spooning Style!!!!!!!

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