A Pledge to Common Pests

Before I express my apologizes, I just would like to say, that ’tis I the one,  to truly take the blame.

I am sorry that your fate arrived between a folded tissue.

And I know I already upset you, but I truly must tell you that I may have tossed away that tissue.

But now I have ignited, a new curiosity, to find out what you do and what you see.

What are you thinking? What do you think of me?

Probably that I should lay my hands off your lovely family.

I know that I make you angry and so does the human species.

But this feud has gone for many, many centuries.

I say it’s time for someone to take a stand so that we can make peace and be friends.

So I pledge to all common pests, that I will act my very best.

I will respect the line between your species and mine.

I promise not to step on you or squish you on the floor.

If you solemnly promise to stay out of my home.

What do you think? What do you think of me? Do you think that I am the best, now that I have made, a pledge to common pests.





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