One for the murphys chapter 13-2

1. Connection

Carley reminds me of the time when my friend carlos didn’t come to school because he had to do somthing with his family .


2. Analyze

Carley is cool and chill. For example,she doesn’t panic or get really scared even when michael eric had a seizure yet she still can be an emotional person especially when it comes to her real mom. This means that she is a strong enough to step up and be a leader when she is needed. Therefore Carley is one of my favorite characters in the book.


3. Question

  • Why do you think carley never exepts Mrs.Murphy even after all they have been through together?
  • Why does daniel always get mad when he sees carley even though he knows she is not part of the family ?
  • when will the officer come back to ask umore questions to carley about what happened on that day?








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