Macabre Dreams

They know what I’m afraid of.

I can see a disturbed face.

It shines through darkness.

It gives me chills.

As my eyes adapt to the dark.

I see each bump on my arms.

Strange noises come to my ears rapidly

Like a child crawling for candy.

It’s their anthem.

But it isn’t the normal beautiful type of anthem.

The rhythm has weird noises, like a broken cello when played.

A rocking chair moves along, it is their lord.

Their director.

My mouth is drying.

I can feel cracks opening inside of my mouth.

Something is getting closer and closer to me.

Each second is turning into minutes.

I feel like hours have passed.

All my mind can do is think.

Think about what is coming to me.

A vigorous smell comes inside my nostrils.

From there I can feel it moving up my brain.

The scent is tiring me

But I have to be strong.

Trying to look for the closest exit.

Walking around is my best chance.

Though it is very hard..

So I walk touching the furniture.

I touch something.

It almost burns me.

I am so terrified

There is no more blood in my veins.

Only the venom of fear.

Running for my life, I trip on something.

Waking up, I am sobbing.

But then I remember.

This was just a dream.

A memory that reminds of the time I had this fear.

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