The Speaking Fear

As I watch my classmates present well before me

I hear the teacher speak YOUR UP!

All pain only just starts

As I get get up there

All I can see is my classmates staring straight at me

Thousands of eyes stare as they shoot fireballs directly at my body

As I get further and further into my presentation I hear whispers from my peers

me expecting the worst I panic and start to sweat

this panic attack is like a poison in my mouth killing me

putting me in a void

A void of fear with no courage in site

as I go further and further into this void I start to smell smoke

It was smoke coming from my heart from the burning pain in my chest

further and further I go now I’m sweating so much its weight is pulling me down

I burn and burn until it’s over

by that point the fire fighters are pulling me from this void and putting out this fire

after I cool down I wake up as if nothing had happened but still

Still I feel that I have been traumatized

it doesn’t change that I’m just preparing for another attack

When all I’m thinking about is the end

But then I begin to think is there really an end to this

as I run it through my head I thought








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