Mid-Mission Reflection Kai


Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis


Have you ever wanted with all your heart to change the world into something more accepting to abilities that no one usually pays attention to? That was what my team and I thought when we decided our mission was going to create a photography club for our school. Our purpose for the mission was simple but would need a lot of funds to get cameras for the photography team. The purpose of our mission is to create the availability of photography to future photographers. Our hypothesis was that if we created a photography team, then we will be able to inspire future photographers to their talents.


Real World Skills I’ve Learned


Did you know that most if not all people achieve their skills for the future from their childhood? I learned a lot of skills during my grant application. Three of the skills that I have learned through this process are how to write a grant essay, how to try to get sponsors, and how to maintain a budget. I could use these skills outside of school if I were older and needed a grant if I was a scientist and I needed money to test out an experiment, or I might needed sponsors to fund me if I were a commercialism and needed funds for an invention so I can sell it to the general public. Lastly though, I would need to maintain my budget so that I will have enough money to provide shelter and food.


Challenges We/I Encountered


Have you ever had a challenge so hard that you thought you couldn’t do it? Whoever you are, you should have your hand raised. As you should know, sometime in your life you will encounter a challenge that is so hard that you will become exasperated by the work you will have to put into it. My team and I faced a lot of challenges during our grant application. Three challenges in writing this grant were not having information to fill out a grant application, people not wanting to be your sponsor, and going over our budget.


Solutions We Tried Out


Some people say ‘you will always find the answer in your solution’. To me that is just redundant because a solution is an answer to a problem but I see what they mean. Solutions in our grant were mostly answers to our problems like for the grant application we would find people who knew the information we needed for our grant. Then, we decided that if someone says ‘no’ to be a sponsor, we had to persevere and ask more people until they say ‘yes’. Lastly, we found out that if you go over the budget then all you have to do is step back and try a different approach.


Next Steps


My team and I had to face many problems and solutions but we still have a lot ahead of us. Our next few steps are going to be very important; they will determine whether or not we will change our school but it would not matter if we fail because it is the skills we already learned that will matter. Our next few steps will consist of getting more sponsors for funds. We also have to finish our grant application. Lastly, we must send the grant and grant application to the Honda Foundation.


Favorite Part of the Process


Even though the process of applying, writing, and sending the grant was a huge amount of work; I still had a lot of fun during the process. Creating a chance for future photographers by forming a photography club is an immensely difficult task. But my favorite part of the process was typing and researching grants. This is because it is fun discovering and thinking up ideas for grants. Writing grants can become very challenging at times but if you look at the grant from a good perspective you might enjoy it even more.


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