The Boogey Man’s Fear

The Boogey Man is afraid of the dark.
Mean and spite are
out of his heart.
Under the bed, 
in the black,
the boogy man wants
to turn back.

He hates night, 
he hates fright, 
he hates screams,
he has dreams,
he hates having horrid havoc.
He hates what he does
but not enough.

Where can he turn? 
As much as he yearns.
No acceptance, 
only fear.
The ink black night envelopes him and 
laughs as he squirms.
He is a caged bird,
traped by tales and stories
of nightmares. 

His feelings are distraught
he has a mind, 
and hidden love.

The Boogey man is afraid of the dark.


One thought on “The Boogey Man’s Fear

  1. Your stanzas have a very nice rhythm! I like the way you varied the length of your lines – it’s clear you very deliberately crafted your choices about where to stop/start your lines to emphasize particular words and ideas. It reads very poetically!

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