Mid-Mission Reflective Essay (Kira)

Mid-Mission Reflective Essay

Imagine getting the chance to change your school. What would you do? Would you attempt to ban the no-gum policy, or improve school lunch? My mission group decided on updating the  announcements that some fuddy duddy gives on the old P.A system. We wanted to make it into a television show. If we update the morning announcements, then stundents will always be prepared and ready for school activities.

Real World Skills I Learned

Three skills I learned through this process are grant finding, knowing my limits, and interviewing. All of these apply to jobs. Grant finding can help get enough money for your business.  Knowing your limits lets me know when something is to hard. (i.e getting the job that’s right for you) Interviewing will help you pick out the best person for a job. Therefore the mission will help us with jobs.

Challenges we Encountered

Three challenges we encountered are realizing grants would be to complicated and moving on, finding people to support our cause, and time management. As a group we wanted to persevere with finding a grant, but it was wasting time, so we had to move on. Also when we made the email, we weren’t managing our time. Next meeting, we agreed to do more work and better manage our time. We couldn’t find sponsors elswere, so we looked in school and found an expert.

Solutions we Tried

Some solutions we tried to overcome our challenges were were finding a grant to support us. That lead to difficult grants that we couldn’t acheive. We then attempted to find a out-of-school sponsor. That failed, so we perservered, and went to look for school experts. After asking the Drama teacher about equipment, he told us about close circut T.V. Fortunately our school is equipped with this. We then moved to another solution. We are going to use closed circut T.V. to make a change in the morning announcements.

Next Steps

Next, we need to make the broadcast. We need school voulenteers to join. We need to spread the news. We need you to tune in. Now we want to make this cool, the next big trend.

Favorite Part of the Process

My favorite part of the process was meeting people I wouldn’t usually hang out with, because I’ve learned something about a different crowd. At first me and my friend talked with each other and the other people hung out. Gradually everyone was more included into the group. Now, there really isn’t an iron curtain between us.  We all are included in the conversation.

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