Courage High, up

High Up

I’ve had a terrible fear of heights my entire life. It’ll, sometimes, stop me from experiencing some really enjoyable things. My friends and family constantly tell me there’s nothing to be afraid of but, it doesn’t change anything, I still won’t go on roller coasters, tall buildings or anything to high.
One day, my family was visiting Paris. We had gone to The Louvre, Notre Dame and, The Catacombs. I was ready to head home but, my mom wanted to see The Eiffel Tower since she had always wanted to. We started walking over but, the closer we got, the scareder I got. I had heard the Tower was extremely tall but, it looked like it was billions of miles high. We entered the huge line for the elevator to go up. I was almost trembling with fear. My dad noticed I my fear. “Hey, if you don’t want to go, we don’t have to.” I hated being an inconvenience so, I said I was fine. My Dad knew I was lying. “Listen,” He said looking me in the eyes, “I’d like you to go up, at least to the 1st floor. If you want to come back down, We will but, I want you to give it a chance, Okay?” I really didn’t want to but, I wasn’t about to be rude now, not after my family had taken me here. I agreed to do it.

As we reached the front of the line, I started to worry. Even the first floor is EXTREMELY high up but, atleast we weren’t going to the top. We climbed onto the elevator and it took us up to the 1st floor. When the doors opened, I weakly walked out, feeling a bit nauseous. I walked over to the side to look at the view. When I looked over, I didn’t get the usual sick feeling I get when I did that. Actually, the view was really nice, I stayed awhile and looked for our hotel. After a couple minutes, My parents came over. “Alright, we had our fun. Ready to head down?” They said
“Well, if you guys want to go one more level, I’m okay with that.” I said smiling. They looked at each other and grinned. “Well,” My mom said. “We don’t want to waste our tickets now, do we?”

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