mid-mission reflection craviona

mission topic,purpose,and hypothesis

  Our mission is to make a photography team at geroge washington middle school.The purpose is to make this school a better place to learn and have alittle fun but not to much that we dont learn.Our hypothesis is if we make a photography team we will increase populitary because we need some we dont have none at all.We would love if you can help us out because Geroge Washington is not a popluar school and we want more people to be intrested in our school.We also would love if we can bring some cameras and  tripods if you can thanks.

Real World Skills I’ve learned

  Three skills that I learned through this process are you should keep trying when you mess up. i also learned that you should keep trying even if someone dont want to help you.another one is never quiet. I can use this skills outside the classroom to make a progress  in myself,and show people I learned while I was in school

Challenges we/I encountered

Three challenges we encountered is when we call someone and they so no we dont get angry we just try again like always. We encountered not having cameras ,and  tripods we really need them for the photography team hopefully we get them.The last encountred we face every day is how to not give if even if  we get told no.

Solutions we tried out  

we tried keep calling people if one person said no.We also tried to think then we know what to say to the person on the phone we talking to. We also tried moving to a soultion and not play around

Next Steps

We see if we can have people mentor us around and teach all about photography so we can know what to do when we have a camera.If we can get people to mentor us we can go to photography something.We also call to see if we can get some tripods, or cameras if they have any and people are kind enought to help us out so we thankful for that.

Favorite Part of This Process

When we had the chance to get to know each other and have a chance to work on this photography team.i love how in the photography team we got to call each person and share with them our goal that we had of making.I think we all have that same feeling that we love to share our dream of having a photography team and i think it was cool.I also love the people who helped us out on the phone,and s photography team thats so great.

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