Against My Will

Most people don’t think about rape, but some do, most men don’t worry about getting raped, yet there is still that one person that fears it. With women though, there is always that fear there, if they know it or not, because they know that they are most prone to it whether they want to be or not. Rape or sexual assault is by far to me the most uncomfortable thing to be around.To have a person come up to you in their car and start saying the most vile and nasty things is just strait up scary. Most people, when they watch a movie about rape, think that it’s horrible, but they don’t understand the actual horror of it. In real life, it’s much worse. In real life, they don’t get saved usually, and they  don’t miraculously live through rape. All movies try to make rape seem not as bad, but that’s only with some movies. Yet, no matter how hard they try, they could never make rape a happy, friendly, kind, and forgiving thing. It is truly sad that some people think that rape is some sort of joke. Kids these days joke about rape, not understanding what rape actually is, making jokes like when a person touches them, they scream rape. Sooner or later that might actually happen, and no one will come because they will think “oh’ its just some joke, like the boy who cried wolf.”

That’s why to me rape is terrifying , to have a stranger randomly just grab me and have s** with me even though I’m telling that person no.That’s what’s terrifying because they won’t stop till they they think they have had enough, but to me any kind of sexual gesture from a older person I do not know or like in a sexual way is just terrifying, no, horrifying. When you’re being raped sometimes they can be so forceful that you get ruined. A person could lose the ability of having children possibly with too much force. Sadly though to me you can never overcome this fear, but I guess its a good thing I have this fear, because it’s what keeps me safe helps me to have an awareness of my surroundings, to somehow know that I shouldn’t talk to that creepy person that’s staring at me.

There still is a way though to try to avoid getting raped to help you feel more safe in this world. For example, say your on a bus (metro bus) and a man or woman is staring at you in a creepy way, get off at the next stop even if it’s not yours or get off at a crowded stop and act like you know where you are going. If he follows you go to an area where he or she can lose you. what ever you do though don’t go to your actual place, because you don’t want the person to know where you live just to find you once again.

Yes rape and other sexual type of gestures are scary, I agree with you, but you can’t exactly overcome it. Yet it will help you in a way, even if you don’t notice it right now.

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