Graduation of Terror

   It was a couple weeks before my graduation . I was so nervous because I have stage fright .I hadn’t wrote my speech yet.  I still haven’t figured out what to wear and I felt like there was so much pressure on me because everybody was counting on me .

A couple days went by and I wrote my speech and studied . My music teacher was picking dancers for the musical in our graduation . I was so nervous because I really love dancing and I wanted to be picked to be a dancer  . When he started to call out the names and I heard my name and I was so happy. I jumped up and down screaming with happiness . When i got home I told my mom she  said “ i’ m so proud of you “ .Then we went out to dinner to celebrate .After that we went out for ice cream .Later that night when we got home we went to sleep.

 The next morning I went to school so happy dancing in the hallway .Acting silly and so proud of myself . Then all my friend congratulated me . After school I went home practiced my dance ,speech , and choir songs . After that I  did my homework studied for SOLS and tests . Then I got a call from my grandma and she said “ I will be coming to your graduation to support you” . I was so excited and happy because i don’t get to see her a lot since we lived so far away from her .

 Later that night I thought about my graduation and prayed for god to give me strength and take away my nervousness . Then I went to sleep . The next morning I got up I went to my my mom and asked her “can we could go to the mall to look for something to wear “ . She said “yes” so, when I got home I did my homework very quickly so we had enough time to look around and buy my outfit. When we got to mall we looked around and I didn’t find anything so we went to the stores around my house .First we went to Ross and I found this really cute dress it had pink and white stripes that was strapless but I wanted to see if there was anything else  . I didn’t find anything else so i bought the dress from Ross .

  The next day everybody  was talking about what they were going to wear all the girls were wearing dresses and all the boys were suits.School was hectic all the teachers were getting everything off the walls and trying to empty the rooms . All the kids trying to get all there work in so they could have good grades . Also they were trying to do good on their SOLS . After cleaning up the classroom we had  D.A.R.E . The teacher  told us that we had to write a end of the school essay and a couple out of each class would read ours at D.A.R.E. graduation but it had to be about D.A.R.E. As i thought to myself i said “ even more work that i have to do” . After that the announcements came and we were dismissed.

  When I got home I told my mom and my sisters and they said “ good I hope you are one of them that are chosen “ . I was writing the story about drugs , peer pressure , and more . Then I just started writing about  how my Uncle smokes and more . then started practicing everything my dance , speech, songs , and more .Then I took my shower and went to bed . The next morning I got up did my  usual routine .At school we took a long SOL I thought I was about to die from sitting and being quiet because I am a loud person . Also it was really hard .

   When everybody in the 5th grade was finished we went outside and ran like a wild animal . Then I saw a couple of my friends and i ran to them and we talked for the rest of the time we were outside . When we went back inside we just relaxed, talked, and ate candy . Then the announcements came and it said “ Monday will be last SOL in 5th grade and in two  days til the graduation” . We all got up and started screaming , we were so happy to be going to middle because nobody liked Elementary School . Then i remembered ITS FRIDAY !!!!!!.

   Later that day I did my usual routine snack, homework,talk, shower , eat , then bed .  Saturday morning  I woke up really late because that’s just what I do on the weekend . We relaxed the whole day . Then we went to Ledo’s Pizza for dinner and we had pizza , cheese sticks , and french fries . When we got home we took our showers then played phase 10 till we got  tired then I went to bed .

   Sunday morning I got up early for church a couple hours later we headed out to church. When we got there not a lot of people were there this Sunday . That meant that we had to sing  for praise and worship. I felt like we did horrible but everybody else said we did pretty good . Then Pastor McPhearson preached and then we closed after church we had snacks then we went home. When we got home I changed my closed got my Ipod and listened to music . My mom and dad had left to go get Popeyes for dinner.After dinner my dad made us go to bed .

    Monday morning I was still tired even though I went to bed early . Still had to go to school even though i begged my mom . After I got dressed , ate , brushed my teeth, and got my book bag ready . I sat down and watched TV with my mom till it was time for me to go . When I  got on the bus all thought about was food  because I love to eat  .

      When I got to school I so loud as usual . We were some last minute learning on math and science . Then we went to history we had a test on all the 50 states. She told us she  would tell us our scores tomorrow and we would get our awards from the teachers . After that we went to lunch I had a peanut butter and jelly , chips, and a Gatorade .After lunch we had recess with all the classes instead of one class . After recess our D.A.R.E teacher came and she named the people that would be reading there speech I just sat there cause i thought  she wasn’t  gonna pick me . Then when she called my I was like “ OH MY GOD!!!!!! I thought my essay was horrible “but she said “it was fantastic!!”. That night when i got home I practiced my speech and dance so much because i wanted to do so well then I took my shower and went to bed .

     The next morning I woke up excited and nervous because I knew that today was my graduation . Today’s routine was slightly different , first I ate. Then my mom curled my hair and put a pink bow in it . After that i got dressed and put my shoes . Last but not least we took pictures , before I left i went in my room and thought to myself  “ lord please let me do well with everything  . Then I prayed “ God give me strength and take away my nervousness in Jesus name I pray amen “ . Then I headed off to school .When I got school everybody complimented me on my dress “ oh my gosh Rachael your dress is so cute !!!” said some of my friends . After that we went to our classrooms our teacher was telling us “ I am so proud that all of you guys passed 5th grade and I hope you continue to improve” .

     Then we went to the gym so ,  could get started . First we all got called up in alphabetical order  . When I got called up  they said “ thank you for being a great student “ . I shook there hand and said “ thank you “ and sat back down . Second my music teacher came up and said “ hello parents these fifth graders will be dancing and playing the recorder to this song “ . I spotted my parents except my dad I really wanted him to be there but I knew he had to work . Then the music started and we started dancing . I was so nervous at first . Then a couple seconds later all my nervousness went away . In the middle of the dance my dress was falling . I just kept pulling it up til it stayed . After that it was time for the bridge and star . I yelled to my fellow dancers “ come on guys lets do this right “ . We messed up a little but we fixed it and kept going . Then we did the finally which was the star then held it up . After that we put it back down and took it apart .

     Next my D.A.R.E teacher (Deputy Curtis) came up and started talking . As she was talking I

thought to myself “ Rachael you can do this come on “ . Then she called my name and I went up . I started talking with my head down . Then I remembered what she said “ look at the audience and put the microphone to your mouth and speak loud  “ . Before I knew it I was done reading and everybody was clapping . After that she gave me a pin , freezebee , and a D.A.R.E. water bottle . Then we all got our certificates for passing DARE . Later we went back into our classrooms and had ice cream . Then me and my grandparents left . We went to Crackle Barrel for brunch . I had french toast and as I ate I said to myself “ I did really good today and I made  a great accomplishment “ . My grandma interrupted my thinking and said “ here is a little something for doing so well in school “ . After we ate and talked we went home. I went home happy and very proud of myself. Also knowing I can do anything .

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