Mid-Mission Reflection Angela

Mission topic, Purpose and Hypothesis

The mission is to make/start a photography team for the school.  The purpose of our mission is to make parents,teachers and the community members see students working at school. The hypothesis is that if we make a photography team, then we will have a better school.


Real World Skills I’ve Learned

The three skills that I have learned through out this process is to not get offended when someone tells you no. This is a skill to me because sometimes people thinks that when someone tells them no they get it personal and gets offended. The next skill that I have learned is that if someone does one thing that is different from what everyone else is doing things get done faster and not everyone will get mad if they do not do something in the groups mission. The last skill that I have learned is that if you have a problem you can talk or work it out because if you are starting to cause problems you can just ignore it and tell them to just stop or you can just ask the teacher for support . These are skills to me because we did not know what to do and how to start a photography team but when the teacher showed us what to do and how to do it the process got faster and we got more progress. Before we learned the process we had no progress but when we used all the steps and skills we got more information and we got supporters to help us with the mission project. I can us these skills outside the classroom to work on another project or another mission and I have a problem or if I get offended I would just use the skills that my language arts teacher told me.


Challenges We/I Encountered

Three challenges we encountered are trying to find people to help and support us with the mission projects because when we asked people for support most of them said no but when we emailed a company they said yes so before we emailed the company they all said no because they did not have enough supplies or they did not have any time to help support our mission for our school. The next challenge that we encountered was to write a script so we can call the company and tell them how the progress on the project is going but when we tried to write the script it was hard because we did not know what to say and how to say it. The last challenge that we encountered was to communicate with the group. That was a challenge because everyone in our group wanted to do the same thing so the teacher had to tell us that we have to do something different. So we all said that we would do something that we like to do and sometimes we had to work with partners because if someone did it alone it would take a long time so we had to work with a partner.


Solution We Tried Out

Some solutions that we tried to overcome our challenge were that we talked to our group and the teacher. So if we had a problem with the group we would talk it out but if we need support from the teacher we would ask but we tried talking it out first but if we really need the teachers help we would ask them. The next solution that we tried to overcome our challenge was that we would do things different so we do not have to do the same thing over again and the solution worked because we got progress and we got ahead of the process. The last solution we tried to overcome our challenge was that if someone told us no then we would not get offended by it and if they say it in a mean way to just ignore and keep asking for more support from supporters. To me these were solutions because it worked in our group and if we had a challenge or a problem we would just use these solutions and we got more progress and the process went a lot faster we did not to overcome a challenge.


Next steps

  • In our group we have to email the supporter and tell her how the mission is going and how we are making progress.
  • We need to find mentors to help us start and run a photography team in our school.
  • We need to find mentors that can come and we have to see what day they can help us and the group needs to ask the supporter when she is available to give us the supplies.


Favorite Part of the Process

My favorite part of the whole mission is that we get to work with new people we never work before and we learn so much about photograhy and the whole group got along.


Photography teams

During my research I found a lot of photography teams in Alexandria, Virginia. I hope to find a company that would help George Washington Middle School to get better equipment for the students and teachers. I want to find a company that would help us donate supplies and help make the school a better place to be. For my mission I believe that if we create a photography team, then people will have a better opinion about our school. For my mission I want George Washington Middle School to be a better school and have better equipment. If we have a photography team the teachers and the community can see how we are succeeding in school and how we are going to be in our future

1.How can a photography team affect our school?

2.Why is photography important?

3.Can a photography team affect how students do in school?