“I Won!”

My opponents going

around and around the board,


fear of losing

like they were going round and round

one million times, never stopping

then finally, my turn

should I cheat? Do you want to win?

I want to win, so I cheat

“stop cheating, stop cheating!”

My opponents going

around and around the board,


I glanced at the board to scream “I won”

always wanting to win

but that never happened

When I heard people say “I won”

it felt like a million knives stabbing me

I hated the bitter taste

whenever I lost I felt the wet tears





My opponents going

around and around the board


still wondering

will I EVER win?

will I EVER win?

blue wooshing waves


I am the ocean

Take me to Lewis beach

I feel kids feet against me

Looking out I see family laughing having fun

I see the boardwalk straight ahead

“kids don’t be afraid come in and play”

I am cold or hot depends on the day

little kids jumping my waves

I move harshly at the shore

The ocean is blue as a new born baby’s eyes

The whooshing waves washed endlessly upon the shore.

I Am Poem

I am a softball field

burning hot with sand

cooling with green grass


I am a softball field

Pitching at different speeds

throwing  to different people

hitting to different places


I am softball field

coming around the bases

you might not see me

but i am there