Myself and My Fear

I am afraid

Afraid of Fear

He swoops in with no resistance

into my brain, my heart

It gives me a reason to be afraid

Reactions, thoughts shoot across my

consciousness like bullets across a dead sky

This is where Fear comes from

This why I am afraid


Pulling, tugging me into oblivion

They say Fear is always good

They are wrong

Giving into fear is giving up

On anything that was good about life

Don’t give up

Don’t be afraid


They, the people are out to get me

Teasing, yelling, hitting, hating

They are his servants

Waiting for me to show weakness

I will not give up

Not to them

Not to Fear

They will never see me crumble

To his will


Fear is a part of me

I do not like me

But I will not give in

I will not give up

I am strong

I am not afraid



How To Fly

I soar like a bird
Flying on the wind
The crowds cheer for me
And only me
He kicks me off to honor me 
The god of this game
It is only me and them
When I am there, there is no pretending
I stalk the person who dares insult me
It is everwhere
Glorious, great, gargantuan game
I do not pick sides
They pick me 
They all pick me


I am the Eagle

Swift as the wind

Strong enough to bring you to your knees

Fiercer than the deepest snow

Gone before you know me

Nobody will ever know me


I am the Eagle

Strong as the sky is blue

I will spot your flaws from far

If you are brave you will still not try me

Tame me for a little than I am gone


I am the Eagle

I bend to no one

Fight me, hurt me, try to get me, and you will suffer

I am regal and always gone

Never here
I am the Eagle

If you are close to me I will always be loyal

They are protected because no one will face me

My home is mine I will never leave

This place

The Evil in Ourselves

We chose world hunger because it is such a big problem all around the world and most people ignore what is all around them. The title is The Evil in Ourselves because this shows how selfish people really are.