At one time our town was full wealth. It was the mecca on all cities. Throughout the wealthy town there was a little girl who was different from everyone else. Her family was poor. All the kids laughed and joked about her. One day they were doing the usual joking of her while she just sat there with her raged clothes and cheap homemade backpack. After lunch it came. The fierce soldiers and the general came and said “We will drop the bomb if you don’t leave”. Its been 66 years since the bomb dropped and to this day, the chair still sits there with the cheap bag. Locals say that the ghost of the joking girls still haunt the poor girl in THE CHAIR.


“ Son wake up, today is a special day” my dad yells. For the first time I don’t groan getting out of bed.Every Saturday morning in Fall I wake up knowing it’s the day I play football. The middle of November and around Thanksgiving. Though on this special Sunday it’s the Championship Game. It’s the Championship of all the teams in Fairfax County and Alexandria. It’s a once a year event that you can’t miss. The game between the three time champs, American Pride Falcons and our team The Alexandria Titans.

I wake up to a delicious smelling breakfast of Waffles, Bacon, and Eggs.I can hear the sizzle of Bacon and smell the Blueberry Waffles.” Dang man slow down before you choke” my mom says as she leaves to get coffee. My daily pre-football routine is eating a big meal and playing video games. The game I chose was Madden 13 because I need to finish my season on the game.”Can I play” my brother asks. I say no because I have to get in the zone.Then I think to myself I should let him play before I get in trouble with dad. After that I got all my equipment my dad and I headed down to the car to go to Chantilly where the championship was held.As we get in the car the battery dies so we got some jumper cables.”Good thing my it worked or we couldn’t go to the game”I say in relief. On the way there we saw someone hit a Deer on the highway.” Can you help me pull this deer away” says the old lady. So we stop on the side of the road to help the lady pull the Deer off the road. When we got there we found out that we had to use our backup jerseys which were bad luck. When we started to warm up I noticed that the other team wasn’t there. When it was time to play the other team blew up a huge Runout Balloon with smoke which was no fair. I thought to myself”’It’s time to beat them”.

The whole team got ready while the coin toss was happening and we lost the toss so they chose to receive. The day was a perfect day for football because it was really cold and breezy. We lined up and “BOOM’’, the ball was kicked. Their kick returner caught the ball and ran as fast as he could. He dodged tackles and sped past people which led to a score. The score was already 7-0 and everyone was real mad.Now it was their turn to kick the ball off. They stopped us and we went on offense. We were faster than the other team so in a couple plays we scored. After the extra point we were up 8-7. Our team kicked the ball off again and thankfully we stopped them. After a couple plays on defense they had to punt the ball. The Titans went back on offense and scored again. Everyone on our team cheered happily and the score was 15-7. It was time to kick the ball off again and this time we kicked it short to prevent any runbacks. Thier offense went back on the field and on the first play they scored. Now the score was tied 15-15. On the kick off we fumbled and they scored again which led to them leading 22-15.

After the score, the ref blew the whistle and called halftime. “ Its time to step up” our coach yells. After the halftime break, we came out ready and we returned the kick off for a touchdown. Now the score was tied again at 22-22. No one scored for the rest of the quarter with the score tied 22-22 going into the final quarter. The other team came out the gate ready to score. They tried to pass, but we intercepted the ball and our offense comes back on the field. We drive all the way down the field and fumble. Their offense throws a pass but this time the safety misses the ball and they score. Now they are winning 28-22. They kick the ball to us and this our last chance to win. If we don’t score they win. Ww try to throw it deep and its incomplete. Then we score but there is a penalty. Everyone was furious at the ref and we thought he was cheating for the other team. On the next play, we fumbled the ball and they sadly took a knee to win the game.

When the ref blew the whistle the other team celebrated as we got in the cars and went home. Before we left the coach told us great season and can’t wait to see you next year. It was a great year but it would have been better if we brought the trophy home. On the way back home my dad said “You’Ll get them next year”. After the game I thought that there is a very good chance we’ll win next year. After the game we had a ceremony at the Bowling Alley. It erased the loss because all my teammates were there and we had a good time.