Green Sand Beach Adventure

We got to the parking lot. We found out that the walk down to the beach was 3 miles long, we could walk or have 
someone drive us. We decided to have someone drive. On the long bumpy ride down to the beach, I looked out my 
window and it looked like we were driving through a sand maze. We got to the beach and found out that we had to
walk down a very steep rocky cliff. We finally made it down onto the beach and the sand looked more gold than 
green. We jumped into the water and it was very warm. After while we got back in the car, we were on the long 
bumpy ride back to the parking lot. We went off the course and ran out of gas. Ooops.



Do You Want To Build A Snowman


Let It Go

outside to the

Other Side

then look in the


with the snowman

the snowman wears his

Suit And Tie

in the


looking up to the



it walks up the


and stays

Up All Night

the stars are


to a

White Sky

its cold outside, I think it is

Sweater Weather










I see a light blue background 
With turquoise lines
The lines are crossing each other like streets
The gentle lines are painted carefully across the page

When do the lines end?
Do they keep on going on and on, 
Or one day do they stop?

The lines are consistently crossing
They are gentle 
They were carefully painted across the page
Will the lines ever end?

Boating Day in New Hampshire


 I was woken up by the ring of my phone. I picked up the phone and I heard my mom say to me, “ Get up and get ready, we are going to rent a boat today. Your dad and I will bring you guys breakfast and we will be home in ten minutes, hurry up so that we can get the boat!”

Right after I hit end call on my phone, I thought to myself, I have two choices. I could get up now and get ready to go on the boat, or I could lay in bed for a while longer, and possibly make us late for the boat. I decided that I should really get up, so I woke up Maddie and Olivia and I told them to start getting ready, and that  we are renting a boat. Mom and dad are going to bring us breakfast in ten minutes.

Ten minutes had passed and my mom and dad came back into the hotel room and we were on our way to the dock to get the boat. My mom said, “ Hurry up, we have to get down to the dock so no one rents the boat before us. If someone rents it before us than we can`t get the boat.”

As I started to walk faster, I said,  ‘Than we all should start to walk faster!”

There was no way that Maddie would ever start to walk faster. She was not very excited for this adventure. Right after my mom said that is started to walk a bit faster to get to the dock. My dad signed the papers and we all got on the boat, we found out that the boat was a pontoon. I was sitting down next to Honey and Daisy, (my two dachshunds) Daisy was shaking a bit, I think she was scared of the water. My mom and dad put the tube in the boat and said,” So, who wants to go tubing first?” After my dad asked us that Maddie and Olivia both said, “Not me!”, at the same time.

I thought to myself, well I do not really have a choice but to go first. So I yelled to my dad, “ I guess I will just go first.”

Once we pulled out of the dock and got a couple miles out onto the lake, my dad hooked the tube onto the boat. I put my life jacket on and my dad said to jump into the tube, I hesitated a little bit but then I jumped in.


 My dad yelled to me and asked if I  was ready, I said yes and I started to rush through the water in the tube. At first I was going a bit slow, but then my dad started so speed up a little bit. I could feel the mist of the water in my face, and the nice breeze. We hit a couple wakes and they totally changed the pace, I started to go a bit slow and then all the sudden I was bouncing up and down. Right as I started to bounce up and down on the tube, I thought to myself, oh gosh if this tube tips over I am not going to be happy. I was relieved when we passed through the wake, it was a little bit smoother than it was when we went through the wake. After about five to ten minutes, my dad stopped and asked me if I wanted to come in yet.By the time that my dad asked me that,I was a bit cold from the wind and the water so I yelled back too him, “ Yes please!

After he pulled me in I had to climb up the ladder  and up onto the boat. My two dachshunds were there to greet me, they looked like they we very happy. My mom told me that Honey was crying when I was in the tube. I thought to myself, wow she must have thought that I would never come back from the water. I layed down to get some sun to warm up.


 I got a snack and a drink out of the cooler. While I was eating my snack I was still warming up in the sun. After having a relaxing half hour in the sun, my dad let me drive the boat for a couple minutes. Part of driving the boat was a little bit scary for me. Every once and a while we would have to turn, which was not easy for me. The good thing was that, my dad was right behind me so if I needed any help, he was right behind me. Olivia asked me if I wanted to jump off the boat and going swimming in the lake. I thought that it would be fun so I said, “Sure that sounds like a good idea.”

I was hoping that the water would not be too cold today.

 We put our life jackets on and we went to the end of the boat. I walked to the end of the boat and Olivia said,” So who is going to jump first?”

I responded by saying, “ Well, I think that you should just jump first. I was the one who went tubing any ways.”

She just looked at me and said, “ If you do not jump then there is no way that I will jump.”

I did not say anything back to her, Olivia was not going to jump off the boat, so I just jumped.

The water wasn’t so cold, it felt pretty refreshing. Olivia wouldn’t jump into the water so I swam around the boat and went up the ladder on the side of the boat.

If Olivia was not going to jump in the water, then I guess that I would just have to push her off the boat. So I pushed her a little bit and she fell into the water, I jumped right in after Olivia fell in..My mom asked me, “How was the water?”,

I said, “ The water was not too cold it felt good.”

My dad said that we only had about an hour left on the boat. It felt like the last hour flashed by in the blink of an eye. We were heading for the dock, so my mom asked all of us to start, to pick up all of our stuff. I picked up a bag and I found Daisy in our towel bag. I picked it up and we pulled into the dock.


We hooked the boat onto the dock and we got out of the boat. The people that worked there started to re-fill the boat with gas. They were filling the boat up with gas and it was really loud, I thought wow, who would ever think filling up a boat with gas would be this loud? We walked to the car and went back to the hotel. I was so sad that the day was over. The day felt like it was only an hour long.