Mid-Mission Reflection Decarlos

Mission topic, purpose and hypothesis:

Our mission is to get sponsors to help us build a photography team. We want to make a photography team to post pictures of our school environment to post them on our class blog to show other people in the city,state, or countries how our school is. We want to show them how we work and how we look in  a class room. we want more students attend at George Washington Middle School 2.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned:

So far during the mission project  I’ve learned on the phone when you talk to important people you have to use a good vocabulary speech. You would have to use sophisticated words such as support, grateful,and other words like those if you don’t get i could put it in a sentence for you. Hello sir/mam thank you for answering your phone I’m calling to ask you for support to help me and my class create a photography team and if you help us i would be so grateful for your time and help.So you see how that works using a good vocabulary could make you sound more serious and then it might persuade your sponsor to help you.

Challenges we/I Encountered:

 Some challenges with a project like this is finding  a sponsor in your local area because sometimes their are no sponsors even if their is sometimes they might not have the time or they just don’t want to sponsor people who ask for them. But still when the first call doesn’t work the second one probably will if that doesn’t work you will have to keep moving to a solution and keep trying because this is the real world and people are not always nice. also for me and my group we found a sponsor he was glad to help us and he will set up an meeting with the class he wasn’t our first contact so that shows you moving to a solution and going for your goal can work.

Solution We Tried Out:

Some of the solutions me and my group did was to keep trying to look for sponsors because our first couple of calls did not work because all of the other sponsors were to busy. But we didn’t give up we look on the internet for more sponsors and we found one he was glad to help so now that we  have a sponsor we are successful with our photography  team project.

Next Steps:

    • we need to set up a meeting for our sponsor
    • we need to tell him what we are trying to do
    • we need to tell him what we need to accomplish our goal

Favorite Part of the Process:

My favorite part of this process was being like a sophisticated person calling our sponsor and persuading him to say yes this was my favorite part because I felt like a big help to my class.