Daquan Mid-Mission Reflection 2

Mission topic, purpose, and hypothesis

The mission we are currently working on is trying to improve the morning announcement by adding TV to the morning announcement.We are doing this mission because we thought it will be more engaging and more students will actually listen and get something out of the morning announcement.  If we add TV’s then we can engage more people to pay more attention.

 Real World Skills That I have learned:

Doing this mission there was a lot of skills I learned. One of my skills  that I learned is to be motivated this was a skill for me because I faced plenty of people that said no and i was able to keep my head up and aim for the positive.  I also learned how to take over and be a leader in a group. This was a I can use this skill anywhere. For example if I were to have a company and have to lead the group on new ideas to sell more products. Another skill I learned is how to maintain self- esteem because there were some points where I got frustrated and just worked for a solution. Which really helps outside because there can be a mistake others made or even yourself and you can work threw that.

Challenges we/I Encountered

This was a mission where I had a lot if challenges one of my challenges were working through my mistakes, This was a challenge for me because I get so frustrated and just want to quit but I got it done. Also as a group we had a challenge of dividing the work with four people we this was a challenge because we all were doing the same thing so we had a lot more things to accomplish. I felt this was the biggest challenge because it was all just more work we had to do. Another challenge I faced was when we had to email people for sponsors because we faced a lot of rejections. This was a challenge because after this happened I just thought i can’t do it anymore but went through the challenge.

 Solutions We Tried Out:

I solved my challenge by thinking that this is something I have to get done and if this wasn’t complete I will not be able to finish and get through my mission. We solved the problem of splitting work because we did a group check to see who all was doing what and what was complete.We notice that we were all working on the grant. And split the work so we can all get a job to do and became successful. I solved went through the challenge of finding a sponsor because I noticed that I’m not going to always get everyone approval and going the this mission that everyone isn’t always going to say yes . Me and my group found a lot of ways of finding a solution.

Next step:

I feel the next step for me to  do is to stay after school and actually complete my mission. This is the next step for me because my group already got everything done and we gathered all supplies and things needed to do this mission. The only thing left to do is to spend time putting the mission together.

 Favorite Parts of the process:

I really liked this mission but out of all this mission I think my favorite  part will be. When we had made calls and emailed people I chose this as my favorite part. Mostly is because its so exciting waiting for there answers and hearing what they have to say and what there replying will sound like. Another reason I thought this was my favorite part is because it was different people we emailed, and called, and it was really fun. Our mission isn’ t over so I think I will run through a lot more fun things going through my group mission.


During my essay I discovered that it isn’t easy to stay calm while doing a mission but you can work through it and do what it takes to complete that challenge. I learned things from this mission tat can really help me go a long way. Our mission had an big affect on how I look at things now in the real world. Which is the reason this mission was so helpful. I really loved doing this mission.