
During my research, I found a lot of photography companies in Virginia though a lot of websites kept having wedding photography companies. I was just hoping to find regular photography companies that just took pictures of maybe like families and just regular things. I was also trying to find grants for middleschools in Virginia but Google kept mixing my words and it would come up with a schools called Grants something. I hope to resaerch more and find more photographers and grants for middleschools.

Mid-Mission Reflection Ethan

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

My group and I have decided to make a change in our school. Our mission is to make a photography club. The purpose of our mission is to show photos of what our school is doing throughout the schoolyear. Our hypothesis is that if we have a photography club for our school, then people will think about our school more positively.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

In our change project I have learned a lot of real world skills. One skill I have learned is emailing. Emailing is an important skill to have because you have to know what to say when your emailing. You can’t just email an important company that you want to get information from by just rushing through it, using uncorrect grammar, and demanding information. If you do that, then the company might not want to give you information because they will think that you are not smart or responsible. What you should do though if you really want to get information from a company is try and brainstorm things you would like to ask or say, take your time and do not rush, and try to use proper grammer. Also, try not to be so demanding.

Another skill that I have learned during our change project is researching. Researching is an important skill to have because you need to know what your looking for before you just start searching random things into the computer. First you need to brainstorm what your looking for. When you start searching for things and find a website or something you need to find out if it has the information that you are looking for.

My third skill that I have learned during our change project is working together with other people. Working in a group with other people is a very important skill to have. When you are working in a group, you need to learn how to work together and share your ideas, opinions, and information with one another. This is important because if you don’t do these things then you will not get very far with what you are trying to do for a project.

Challenges We Encountered 

In this project, my group and I faced many challenges. Many challenges that we encountered were: not getting emails back from photography companies, not finding a whole lot of information from websites, not finding the right time to call companies, and whole lot more.

Solutions We Tried

Even though we ecountered many problems we quickly moved to solutions. Some solutions that we tried were: talking with one another and seeing if we could help out with whatever was going wrong, asking the teacher for support if we couldn’t help eachother, and then even asking other classmates around the classroom that weren’t in our group.

Next steps

Right now, my group and I are trying to figure out a time for when we should call a certain company lady that has been actually helping us a lot for our project. This lady has been trying to get us a lot of cameras and even a mentor for us! She has been very considerate and very helpful. We also need to work on emailing more companys to help us on our project.

Favorite Part

My favorite part of this project was working together as a group and actually getting help from a real company for this project. I also liked how I could work on a project for something I really like doing (photography). This project has also helped me in a lot of other many ways.