Newspaper Team

Today i found a website called google grants, from there i am hoping i will be able to access some ways to find better grants than random ones online. Some things i hope to do tomorrow is to find more helpful sources than just google grants.

Mid-Mission Reflection Eric

Mission Topic, Purpose and Hypothesis

I think that we need to make a school newspaper to inform students.Our  mission is to create a school newspaper. The purpose of our mission is to keep the people of GW informed of current happenings.  Our hypothesis is that if we create a school newspaper then more people will be informed and even learn more about GW. Also we can help people know about up coming events. We could even get more people to go to GW by giving these newspapers to the public (but they will know about good and bad things).

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

Three skills that I have learned through this process are how to work with different types of people, how to use teamwork more efficiently and to always keep trying no matter what. This could help outside of school by teaching us to ask over and over for what we want, there’s no harm in trying. Also teamwork helps outside of school because dozens of thousands of things require teamwork. Also how to work with different types of people.

Challenges We/I Encountered

Three challenges we encountered are not being able to find grants, not being able to find phone numbers and trying to figure out who could help us get a grant. These were all very difficult to over come because there aren’t many newspaper funding programs because i guess it never occurred to anyone why someone would need money to make a newspaper. Also we weren’t able to find any types of newspapers that we could trust 100%. We tried Alexandria Gazette but there wasn’t that much information on that website.

Solutions We Tried Out

Some solutions that we tried to overcome our challenges were digging deeper to find more information, looking at news paper websites and finding the Washington Post Newspapers phone number and e-mail. Once we found these we knew it was going to be fine all after that. We also tried to find various grants and websites. We also looked at newspaper companies to see if they could help us. At last we came down to one newspaper, The Washington Post.

Next Steps

Next, we need to call the Washington Post and ask for them to help us by giving us some money and advice. We have chosen these next steps because we believe that it will push us forward most of all. The sooner we get the money the sooner we can start making the newspapers. We also need to e-mail the Washington Post. Sooner or later if we don’t get anything from them I will incorporate my own money into this project.

Favorite Part of the Process

My favorite part of this entire process was being able to be in a very fun but also determined and hard working group. Also just being able to create a newspaper is exciting and fun. Doing this project is very fun but at times it was very difficult. Such as the times when we tried to find grants (there are no grants for newspapers). Over all this entire project was very fun and I cant pick a favorite moment because they were all great.