The Lost Rollercoaster

    “Where is it?!” Of course we would be lost we couldn’t find the rollercoaster. Alison, Andrea and I were walking around King’s Dominion for what seemed like ages, and we still couldn’t find the rollercoaster. Andrea pulled out the map once again and we tried to figure out where we were oriented because no matter what we did, we ended up on the opposite side of the park.

“First of all, where are we?” I said . Honestly now that I come to think of it I didn’t even know where we were. Alison checked the map that was already in Andrea’s hands and said “Right…here” We were fairly close, but still a little distant. We walked a little more hoping that we were going in the right direction. We were in Snoopy World and now we were even further away now. I really don’t want to get lost again; It’s really frustrating knowing that we’re so close yet we never seemed to get it right. I took out the map out of Alison’s backpack and noticed that we seemed to be getting closer. Before I got too excited, I told them, “Look! We’re right by the Intimidator 305, but let’s ask someone instead.We go up to the first person we find that looks like they could help us. The man we go up to is tall and young-looking. “Excuse me, would you mind telling us where the Intimidator 305 is?”  He pointed to where the Anaconda and Flight of Fear were located. We walked over and we saw the long line, but everyone had been talking about how great this rollercoaster was that we didn’t even care about it. By the time we started getting closer in line, it began drizzling. As we walked up to the first row seats, we saw that the drizzle has started falling a little harder and the lady made an announcement about how the ride is a little rougher with the the rain. But even if it is I decided to ride it because I didn’t want to waste that time waiting in line not to ride the rollercoaster that everyone had been talking about.

    Andrea and I rode together and Alison ended up riding with another girl. We took off but it wasn’t like a normal rollercoaster that goes click, click, click it pulls you up so fast that the slight drizzle prickled my face.The rollercoaster stopped for a split second so we could look down and then boom, we dropped the 305 feet. The emptiness in my stomach soon filled again as we looped around in steep circles. “Ahh” the screams pierced my ears; there were some girls behind us that would not stop screaming. Soon the scream faded and the rollercoaster train had started to slow down, eventually coming to a stop.

    We unfastened our seatbelts and climbed out and down the now wet ramp. We went into the little shop where they show the photos they put up while we were in the middle of the ride. Andrea and I look at them trying to find out which one is ours and Alison meets us there. We walked out and look back to see exactly how big the drop was. “Wow! That was so great” Allison said and Andrea and I were laughing too much to actually pay attention. But soon we stopped enough to get back on our feet and walk over to the next rollercoaster we could find. The Flight of Fear was right next to the Intimidator but it was closed. We passed by and made line for The Crypt.