The hectic city

The hawk is shaking in fear

He tries to turn around but he knows what he has to do

The young kids are in trouble and he cant turn away now

Flying through the trees he lands on a light post

He spots the run away car with his super hawk vision

Hawky Hanson flew over the hamburger factory and got distracted

The smell of the burgers caught him of guard but he kept going

he still had his eyes on the car

He flew as fast as a race car in a race

he made this loud screech and landed on the top of the car

he attacks the driver and rescues the children



I am a smile

I am a smile

beautiful and big

strong enough to keep you going

you fall in love with me over and over again

heart warming

moving enough to make you smile

make you feel warm and fuzzy inside


I am a smile

the happiest thing on earth

able to make a environment happy


i am a smile

bright white

look at me and

you will feel

like there is no other care in the worls