Loops of Fear

By: Hayden


The summer of 2014 me and some friends went to Busch Gardens, I was about 12 years old and only went on a couple roller coasters. But my friends have been telling me that Busch Gardens have the scariest roller coasters ever. I had just got into the car and I was really scared.

“Have you ever rode the Griffin I heard some fell of and plummeted 100 feet down to the ground”, said Kyle.

As soon as he said that I got really scared and didn’t know what to do. I was a scared like it was the end of the world.

“He is just joking”, said Jack. I was relieved that Jack said that.

We pulled up into the parking lot and saw the crowds of cars and I could even see how big the roller coasters were.

“ We should go to the smaller roller coasters first then hit the bigger ones later”, said Jack. I was so relieved after he said that now I have some time. We got into groups. I was paired up with my best friend Kyle and we went to the Lochness Monster the oldest roller coaster there. As we got in line my heart was beating really hard it felt like I ran a couple miles. Me and Kyle were now up to the front row and I  became really scared. As we went into our seats, I sat down and buckled up. As the rollercoaster started to move I saw all of the loops and spins and  I felt like I was going to throw up so I decided to just close my eyes and wait until the roller coaster was over. But as we got towards the end of the roller coaster it seemed like it was really fun. I decided to open my eyes and as I took a little sneak peek, it looked really awesome. As we got of the roller coaster I was really happy like I won the lottery.

“That wasnt that bad was it”, said Kyle. I told him yes it wasn’t and I was really happy because that was one of my first roller coasters. We rode it a couple more times. Then we met up with the rest of the group to have lunch at the buffet. I walked into the line and I saw all the luxurious foods and just picked up everything I could. As soon as I sat down I dove right in shoving food down my mouth. We finished all of our food and we decided to go to the scariest roller coaster there and it was called the Griffin. I was kind of scared but I knew 100 percent that I could do this.  We made our way into the line but we saw that there were a ton of people wanting to ride this amazing roller coaster. It took awhile but we made our way up into the front of the line. We got into our seats and I was really scared but I knew i could do it.

“You’re going to be fine it’s just like the Lochness Monster”, said Kyle. I went into my seat and buckled up and was ready for the roller coaster. The roller coaster started to move and I closed my eyes. All of the sudden I found out that we were going up and I opened my eyes and saw that we were inclined. Once we got  all the way to the top we stopped for about 10 seconds and the roller coaster took off. The roller coaster was as fast as a jet and it was really scary. But all the sudden I was having so much fun and when they stopped the roller coaster I knew I wanted to ride every roller coaster in this amusement park.

“That wasnt that bad, I said to my friend Kyle. Then me and Kyle went to as many roller coasters as we could before we would have to meet up with our full group. The next roller coaster we went on was called the Alpengeist and I was a little worried about this one. Since I rode a lot of the roller coaster I knew I shouldn’t be afraid of this one.  We buckled as normal and the roller coaster started moving as we started moving Kyle said that this one was probably the scariest one here. That messed up my confidence a little and my heart started to beat rapidly again. There was a lot of loops and turns and I felt like I was going to throw up. I was really happy I did not. The rest of that trip was amazing, I had tons of fun with my friends and I rode a bunch of roller coasters and got over my fear. We went back to the hotel to go to sleep after a long day of fun.

“Are we going to go back to the amusement park”, I asked in excitement.

“Yes of course we are”, Kyle had said back to me. As I was falling asleep I thought about how much fun I had overcoming my fear and how it took a lot of courage. I woke up early in the morning ready to have some more fun. I rushed to wake everybody up so we could get there early. We got in the car and made our way to the amusement park. When we went into the parking lot I saw no cars and I was really happy that we could ride a lot of more roller coasters. But there was still one roller coaster that I haven’t went on yet. We made our way to the to the roller coasters and rode a them for a while. In this trip I overcame my fear and it took a lot courage to do that.

The Football

The football is like a silky cloth just makes me feel like i own it when i touch it.

Once i get the football in my hand it makes me feel like a cheetah how fast i am.

The football’s fragile makes me feel favorable.

makes me feel happy, strong, and fierce.

like nobody can stop me

makes me love the sport

we will win every game

as long as i love the sport

so many great legends

and I’m waiting for my chance