The Panic of a Child

A storm starts brewing in your soul’s once peaceful sea;

Welled up tears,



Collected in one giant hurricane of “Oh, poor me!”


It comes crashing,

Bashing, down upon you;


In pain,



The torrents of tears burn the skin,

Asking questions you’ve hidden within;

The Why?’s

The What?’s

How did you let this happen?


Every second ticks loud and fast,

You take look in the past;

Times of tears,

Don’ts and didn’ts.

There’s no room for comforts here.


Like the monster hidden underneath your bed,

Eyes wish not to behold, much rather it be dead;

A writhing,


Child of pain and tormented tears.


Children beware;

Demons and monsters

Crawl and creep.

Picking at your soul while you sleep.

You may survive for a while, but soon enough…


With the storms of roiling, boiling, sadness and confusion,

A girl of joy,

Never tears,

Will find herself

A roiling ball of agony.


By: Julie

The Word of the Law


The typewriter squeaks

“Yes! That is such a good idea!”,

The desk says, being much to meek.


The Oval Office is like a ship on a churning sea.

Laws and Acts scatter about the floor,

Begging for me to decide.

It all boils down to Obama,

The proud and powerful, President





Talking to Books

I am your

Favorite Book

I never stop

Talking, and

For each person my story,

Is their story

Each time you take a look

I’ve changed

So have you


I make you

Ask questions

I was typed without

Periods or


Only question marks are

Allowed with me

Your mouth

Never stops talking when

I’m nearby


I’ll care for you

As best as I can

You will escaped with me

Into the land of sunshine

And happiness

I’ll guide you with

My morals

And ideas.


I am your favorite book,

Speak to me.