The Fear to Fall

A thousand miles up, so very high.

If I fall, I’ll probably die.

I look down, the size of it all.

This is the fear. The fear to fall.


A giant cliff, and I hung on.

Clutching the rocks, to not be gone.

So very afraid, as I recall.

This is the fear. The fear to fall.


Looking out of a window, a sucking drain.

To fall through, would bring much pain.

Below the people, and cars so small.

This is the fear. The fear to fall.


To fly a plane, and to look around,

it’s so beautiful, until I look down.

A gulp in my system, like I swallowed a ball.

This is the fear. The fear to fall.


Falling through darkness, and infinite space.

I cannot be scared. I have to face.

To not be afraid, a concrete wall,

That separates peace, and the fear to fall.


But even though, no one will have cared,

if I overcome this, I won’t be scared.

No matter what happens, I won’t be afraid,

for I have did it, and have gotten paid,

and will be scared none at all,

of the fear to fall.


Written by Jonathan

The Life of a Roller Coaster

The Life of A Roller Coaster


The train waits in the station,
Waiting to go up the chain.
The last people get on.
And up goes the train.

The sound of the chain is like thunder.
It groans, and clinks, and squeaks.
And finally the fun begins,
When the train makes the first peak.

The train whirls down,
Over two-hundred feet.
The people riding it scream,
As they're pushed down in their seats.

The train then loops-the-loop,
Completely upside down.
It's an exciting moment,
But then the train comes around.

After more hills,
the ride is finally done.
The people are happy,
the kids, grown-ups, everyone.

Every single day, 
I entertain the guests.
I'm happy to do this,
at everyone's requests'.

The Piano

I am a piano.

Music is my mind.

I can play fiercely,

or softer than you can find.


I am a piano.

Music is my heart.

I work, I play, I think,

That music is my art.


I am a piano.

Music is my life.

I use it to entertain,

or to battle strife.


For when I’m not being played,

I think without a doubt,

That I don’t need anyone,

To help me play out.