Do I Speak

Up in front of all of your friends

All your friends staring at you,

Worried about what they think,

All your friends thinking about your presentation

Up in front of your enemies

Laughing at you

when you mess up,

judging you,

Talking about you,

Up in front of all your teachers

Looking at you,

Thinking about you,

Grading you,

Having the power,

Up in front of everyone

staring at you,

judging you,

only thinking about you,

Then you finish.

And you become one of the people

Up in the Skies

I am a bird,
Stalking the skies,
Like a cloud,
I can see everything,
Houses sit like turtles,

I am a bird,
Many men moving like little ants,
I come down for food and water,
People give me bread, 
People try to chase me, 
Then I go back to my home,
Up in the skies.