“What will I become”

Will there be anybody to help
Me get out of my depression of fun
Walking all alone in these woods thinking
About my future

inspired by muntean/rosenblum


Sports are everyone
even for dorks 
sports are for girls,boys,adults 
are all around the world 
there so many they'll make you twirl
sports are so much fun 
they'll make you want a cinnamon bun

The Technology World

Video games 
keeps me entertained 
throughout the hard times you've been there 
video games 
Call of duty tournaments
Super smash bros. tournaments
keeps me out of trouble
helps me have fun  
video games
helped me with coding 
and (etc) 
video games apart of the technology world

Blamed For

You get blamed for nothing 
you get blamed for something 
Blamed for 
you get blamed for spills
you get for accidents 
you get blamed for injurys
Blamed for 
you can get blamed for anything 
but you don't get blamed for everything 

We Nutritious

We Help the system 
We are delicious
some of us are religous 
some are good luck 
but we all are nutritious
we don't include beans 

we help the system 
we are delicous 
we are nutritous 
my favorite fruit 
is nutritous and

Plane Trip To Utah

10:00 A.M. in the morning getting on the plane smelling the fresh aroma of refreshments and peanuts.  My mentor uncle Marvin (Mr.Marvin) sets up the Ipad and the beats by Dr. Dre so I can watch a movie.  We talked about the NBA, other sports,(etc)’’boy stuff’’.  There was this one time when I couldn’t hear Uncle Marvin for a sec so I started chewing my gum.  It was so hard my own gums started to hurt, all I had to do is hold my nose and try to blow threw my nose so it will go away .  When we were almost there i looked down at the window and asked “Why does it look so flat” He said ‘‘This is the country side of Utah with  a lot of flatland’s’’.  We are going to the big mountains so you can see it right out of the windshield of your car’’.  When we were almost there I saw A lot of big mountains under us I took lots of pictures.  When we got of the plane we waited for Iggy (Daniel and Elijah’s step dad) because we had to get something to eat I mean we’ve been on a plane for four hours.  We went to five guys and I got bacon cheeseburger with : Ketchup, Mustard, Sweet Relish, and Fries.  I also got some of their famous peanuts.  There was this one guy who asked us would you like fry sauce on your burger.   I asked what is fry sauce Iggy replies with “ Its a combination of ketchup and mayonnaise”.  I looked nasty so i didn’t try it out.  We left and went to there house.  They had a big house with four bedrooms and a garage.  It didn’t look big from the outside but oh it was big in the inside Mrs.Darlin told me and Uncle Marvin and I that Iggy is go to pick up Daniel and Elijah from school and said to Uncle Marvin hide on the couch upstairs and I  hide downstairs,They didn’t know we came to Utah so it was a surprise .  When they saw us they were so surprised .   We did so much stuff , We went laser tagging ,  played basketball.  My favorite was tubing.  It was a lot of fun,  We used those round things you use at the pool we went down these crazy hills and while we were spinning and turning while everyone  laughing.  We took a lot of pictures i had a great time in Utah and hope i can go again.