The Major Fear

Dying will always be a big fear of mine and will stick with me until that day. Dying has always been a question or a thought that goes through the back and front of my mind. I always wanted to know what that day would be like but i know now that i would have to find out.


I have always been afraid of dying because everyone in my life or anyone close to me has always died unexpectedly or they were here just too sick to to keep going with their sick life. Dying has a major impact in everyone’s life but it scares me knowing that everyone and even me has to die someday and that we would never know when or how. Most of my family is still with me on earth and most of them has already dies in so many ways and some are worse than the other. I always had a fear that i would die an unhappy life or not living up to my standards and completing all of my goal.I always question to myself and imaged the possibilities of how i would die but with the was i had imagined it was like me being murdered or something tragic.


I am afraid of dying because i am afraid of doing everything i wanted and not being the person i wanted or the person everyone would remember me as. When i die i want to die living up to all of my standards and completing all of my goals and becoming the person i want to be. I have feared many times that when i die i wouldn’t be remembered the person i want to be remembered as.


Dying is one of my major fears and i know that one day we are all going to to die and that it is only natural and human nature. I have learned to accept that someday, but still it will be one of my major fear and will always cross my mind. Having this fear has made me wonder what my life would be like if i had completely overcome that fear and have the courage to live up to my fate. Dying is one of my biggest fears and hearing how people die and hearing about so many people died made me wonder what will happen to me or when will i die or how would i die.