The Journey In Darkness

Down the stairs I go
Alone in darkness
With a candle in hand
With it’s stone walls
And it’s stone stairs

Down the stairs I go
Hand on the wall
Damp and mossy
Supporting me
On my way down

Down the stairs I go
Other than footsteps
Is dripping of water
Splashing down on my head
Extinguishing my candle

Down the stairs I go
Alone in darkness
With my candle
That no longer emits light
On an endless flight of stairs

Alone in the dark
With light gone
With a cold taste in my mouth
Placing my candle
Onto the damp stone stairs

Down the stairs I go
Alone in darkness
Stumbling on a step
Falling down fast
Down many steps

As I got back up
And continued my way
I seem to be in place
As if stairs were moving
And not me

Then I turned around
Looking behind me
I see some bright light
And I finally realize
It was my imagination

The Story book

When I'm opened
When I'm read,
I am like a teacher
I teach with my text.
Teachers teaches with thought-provoking text
Having question related to me.
I am there, waiting
Till my next reader come
And spend time with me,
Until next time
I'll be waiting.

I Am Poem

I am a video game

That is the same

Through out the game.


I am a video game

The difficulty can be changed

Very easily to impossibly hard

That no one can beat


I am a video game

I give players chances

After they lose.