
Back and forth the yelling continues,
In a home living room type of venue,
My parents got annoyed by our screams and shouts,
They tell us both to talk it all out,
Everything turns out fine,
Because the victory was all mine.


I like to chew,
To annoy you,
I chew this and that,
I once chewed up a hat,
I chewed on a tree,
And he yelled at me,
Valentine is my name,
I like to play games,
Tug-a-war is tons of fun,
And now I am done.


Hazelnut mixed to perfection to create the beauty that is Nutella. The gooey chocolatey sensation is like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Other brands try to recreate the blend but fail. The taste of Nutella bring joy to my heart and smiles all around

The Different Orange

I see an orange,

Not like the others,

Sheltered by the the leaves.

I see an orange,

That has a vibrant sky behind it showing there is hope,

Because differences will bring you together.

I see an orange,

With little balls making up its shape,

That creates uniqueness.

I see an orange,

That is different than the others,

Sheltered by the leaves.

San Francisco

As I woke up, I heard the blaring roar of the engines on the airplane. I glanced out the somewhat frosted window, and yawned with a smile about what was before me. I was bursting with happiness. I heard the ding that notified me that I had to put my seat belt on again. “We are now landing please put on your seat belts,” the pilot announced. I looked over at my mom and asked her about San Francisco. “It’s amazing Leslie, there are so many famous attractions that you can see with your father once he gets here. Such as the…” “We are now arriving in San Francisco, California. It is now 12:00 PM Have a nice afternoon,” I could only think one thing; California.

From all of the movies, pictures, songs, and other media, I had all of these ideas from what it will be like. Me and my mom got off the plane, retrieved our bags from the crowded area, and headed for the terminals. I followed my mom and many others on to the train. Where’s the driver? I wondered to myself. “Is it a self driven train?” I asked curiously to my mother. “Yes,” my mom responded I was so amazed by this. When it was our stop we got off and headed for the ‘Bart’ (the metro of San Francisco) station. We paid for our tickets and waited for the train. I knew it was coming soon when I heard the loud “clickity clack clickity clack” of the train speeding on it’s tracks. San Francisco, San Francisco, San Francisco… that’s all what went through my head.  The headlights were like sun rays down the dark tunnel. I heard the train slow down and stop before me and my mother. The door opened and we walked in and took the two free seats before us. I was still in awe of everything, I was still absorbing my surroundings like a human sponge. I thought curiously to myself I wonder what else is all futuristic. What will our hotel be like, everything is pretty different in California. I jokingly thought to myself, I guess I’m not in Virginia anymore.

After a few stops I pulled out one of the pamphlets behind me and read. “CAUTION: DO NOT TOUCH THIRD RAIL, RESULT TO DO SO WILL IN INJURY AND OR DEATH” I glanced out the window and looked at the 3rd rail then continued reading. “Third rail is electric… DO NOT TOUCH THIRD RAIL… If train breaks down look for the nearest blue light to call for help… instructions from conductor,” the rest was more about the dangerous third rail. I started to daydream about me on a rainbow eating a cotton candy cloud laughing, having fun. I could feel the tap on my shoulder immediately waking me up. “Leslie, get ready to get off. The next stop is ours”

“Ding, Ding step back doors opening, stand back to allow customers to get in the car”  Me and my mom stepped off the car and started toward to moving escalator. Once we reached the escalator I looked up to see that the escalator was high “Whoa, That’s a long way up” My mom and I got on the escalator. “About how many times have you been to California?” I asked curiously. “More than 10” my mom replied. I continued to ask questions, I hope she isn’t getting annoyed I thought. After about 1 minute we got to the top and my mom pointed to our hotel. I was immediately in awe of the giant ROSS semi-blocking the hotel. When we when to our room I realize that I didn’t have my phone to take picture of this amazing view from our room. I had to go through all of the week with out the amazing pictures. After I got home I had to wait a month until I got a brand new iPhone 4, I hope I don’t lose this one.