The Mattress

“Ahh, finally back.”  I said as me, my dad, and my uncle returned to the apartment building.  We had just come back from a restaurant, and we were exhausted.  “Not quite,” said my uncle, “We still have 6 floors to climb.”  “Ughh.” I groaned intensely as we climbed the 6 flights of stairs to my uncle’s apartment.  “Ahh,” I sighed as I collapsed on the couch. “We’re home Mouse!” my uncle called as he entered the room. Mouse is, ironically, the name of my uncle’s cat that he lives with. She is friendly, and likes her home. It was about 8:30 when we got back, but me and my dad are heading home tomorrow, and we stayed up really late last night. We were all burned out. “I think we should pack it in kiddo,” said my dad as I walked into my room. Yeah, I agree, I said as I grabbed my toothbrush and walked into the bathroom. The absentmindedly listened to the swishing sound of my toothbrush. I hastily brushed my teeth to get ready for bed. I walked out of the bathroom, stepping on my neon green sleeping bag with a broken zipper. I walked out to the main living area to say goodnight to my uncle and dad.  “Goodnight” I huffed as I walked into the living room. “Get some rest,” said my uncle.“’Night” exclaimed my dad. I walked into my room, flopped down on my sleeping bag, and fell asleep before I could cover myself up.


 I awoke next morning, droopy eyed and wishing I could sleep longer. “Liam! Look at this!!” “What is it?!?” I exclaimed as I  hoped nothing was wrong. “The mattress!” my uncle exclaimed. My mind went to millions of possibilities at once. Had someone broke into the apartment and fell asleep on the mattress?  Did it fly out an open window? Did it disappear entirely?  No, but it was popped! Right as I finished formulating a question in my mind about the mattress, My uncle answered for me. “Mouse popped it! She was running around last night and popped the mattress! I guess she wasn’t used to company.”  Just then, my Dad walked into the room for his part. “Yeah, I heard Mouse running around all crazy-like last night. She ran around the room and was freaking out a lot. Then, I heard a slap of rubber against small cat! I heard a thin, hissing sound, but it wasn’t the cat. It was the sound of air, slowly depleting from the inflatable air mattress!” I then turned the mattress over, and sure enough, there was a hole about an inch wide cutting through the mattress! We all laughed, and knew we would remember this for a long time!