Do you

Don’t worry about being cool,
stay in school.

Don’t stay up to late,
and always drive straight.

Don’t commit sin,
and put down the gin.

Just wait until June,
it’ll be over soon.


waves crashing against the shore
all day long
moving under the warm air
and bright sun
full of joy
and memories
from long summers at the beach

Forgiving or Forgetting

I see soft colors all around
shaped like squares
occasionally overlapping each other.
I wonder if it's possible to move on
to not let the past fill our minds.

We can fill our minds with positivity
but the doubts and past experiences still lurk. 
We can't quite let go 
as much as we try.

Forgiving and forgetting isn't as easy as it seems
even when you think with so much positivity.
But maybe forgetting isn't the key
it's forgiving that will set our minds free. 

The Deadly Drop

All the rides before this weren’t scary at all, but this…this was a whole new thrill level.  Over the tall light-green mountains was the drop that made the ride famous.  It was a 90 degree drop from stories high.  If looking at it freaked me out, then riding it would be a whole other story.  I couldn’t back out now, I had to do it.  I tried to ponder the best excuse to back out with so that my sisters wouldn’t think I couldn’t handle it, but my mind went blank as I gazed at the drop.  I froze just looking at the size of it and how it towered over the mountains.  I now understood how it got it’s name.

“Yay this is it!” shrieked Olivia.

I spoke while looking at the ground,“oh yeah I can’t wait.”

“Don’t  worry Lily it’s nothing you’ll enjoy it.”  Interrupted Emma.

I barked back, “haha I know that I’m not even worried.”

  My sisters and I waited all summer to go to Kings Dominion.  Only Olivia and Emma were going to go because Sophia is terrified of roller coasters, so I thought that I would be courageous and go with them to ride some frightening rides.  Hearing about the Intimidator made it seem a little scary but it didn’t seem like something I couldn’t handle.  I mean, most of my friends had gone on it anyway so I shouldn’t even get scared.  But this unwell feeling in the bottom of my stomach made me a little uneasy.  I told myself almost a hundred times that it probably wouldn’t even be scary but the feeling never went away.  It was too late now though, because I was already in the car halfway to the amusement park.

    “Wow Soph is really gonna miss out,” said Olivia.

    “Well not all people can handle scary rides, isn’t that right Lily?” questioned Emma.

I nervously replied, “Oh me?! Ha yeah this isn’t scary at all.”

We started off on rides with low thrill levels and planned to work our way up.  Although we made a different version of the plan and just started at the thrill level of 3.  First we went on a couple water rides that weren’t too chilling, but then the rides started getting extremely high up in the air.  I’m not exactly scared of heights but you’re kind of bound to get scared going on a ride traveling almost 60 mph thats stories high.  As we got into higher thrill levels, that small bit of confidence I had completely disappeared.  I still kept trying to convince myself that it wouldn’t be that bad but it was no use, I was terrified.

This was it.  The ride we came for was right in front of me.  I unhurriedly walked over to the entrance, trying to waste time.  My sister urged me along so that we wouldn’t have to wait in a long line, but I was praying for the exact opposite.  Of course the line was exceedingly short and we were next.  The man over the intercom ordered us into our seats and read the rules for going on the ride.  My eyes got cloudy while I was waiting for my death.

“Please keep your hands and other body parts in the ride at all times,” the man read.

“Isn’t this so exciting!” smirked Olivia, “But its not too late to back out you know.”

“Oh please this?” I started, “This is nothing.”

“Ha!” barked Emma, “We’ll see about that.”

“Have fun and enjoy the ride,” the man finally read.

He finished his lines and pressed the start button.

I clenched the bar in front of me and went blank.  My heart was practically beating out of my chest when the ride started going up. It went up, and up, and up for seconds that felt like hours. Then we reached the top and all I could see was the big blue sky. That one wonderful moment was interrupted when the ride went over a little bump and started to go down.  My heart dropped when my vision was blinded by the air rushing across my face.  Then in an instant it was over. We exited the ride and that was it.  I rode the Intimidator.