The End

The end of the month is coming near
It is almost, almost, here
NaPoWriMo is coming to an end
It is like diverging with a faithful friend

So say goodbye, give one last wave
For all your secrets to it you gave
In the form of poems, emotionally true
Showing sadness or the story of a girl named Sue

But is there a need to worry?  Nay!
Even as April turns into May
For next year, your teacher might say:
"I want you to write a poem every day"
And most might groan, but those 
Who truly understand the value of poetry
Will secretly shout "Hurray!"

Happy NaPoWriMo, great job to everyone who wrote a poem every day!


Poetry is whatever you want it to be
It's a chance to express yourself and to be free
Poetry's not a science, it's an art
It's not something for sale at Walmart

Poetry is creative and completely rules-free
And so a poet is not something all want to be
Poetry requires you to have an open mind
Any poem you read could become a great find

And therefore, that which is adored by one
Another could think is void of all fun
So you must read with an open mind
And make sure not to judge; always be kind

And soon, NaPoWriMo will come to an end
On their path young poets it will send
And even if you run and hide at a look
Remember that poetry can be beautiful
Even if it doesn't rhyme :P


Lies can ruin somebody's life
Lies can cause terrible strife
Lies can cause great pain and harm
Lies can cause great fear and alarm

Lies can kill those so close to you
Not just literally, but in other ways too
Lies can ruin friendships and spark great hate
Old friends hating you is a terrible fate

So don't lie; take the easy way out
It's a straightforward way to avoid others' doubt
Always telling the truth is the right thing to do
So you can have a clean conscience and be regarded as true


That can't possibly be
It's too improbable, you see

There is no way
That this could possibly happen today



You can deny it all you want
It's easy to act always nonchalant 
You can easily say "No way!"
Yet it can and it does happen today

It's easy to look the other way
"I didn't see that" is easy to say
It's easy to deny the truth under your nose
It happens a lot; that's just how it goes

It's easy to ignore the obvious truth
It's easy to deny old age in your youth
It's easy to ignore what's far away
It's easy to wish thoughts of the hungry away

But no matter what you convince yourself
The hungry are there despite all your wealth
So don't deny it; don't say "No"
Because your lies will haunt you wherever you go

Earth-Minded is the Way to Be (Parody of “D.O. is the Way to Go”)

Y'know, Earth-minded is the way to be
It makes you feel great and happy and free
Just be careful not to get too cocky
If you do, your path will get rocky

We all need Earth, so don't be a fool
Besides, helping the Earth really is cool
Don't pollute, and it'll be all right
So our Earth doesn't have to fight

Without our Earth, we can't live
We're taking from our planet, so back we must give
If you do, the world gets better
We owe it; to our Earth we are a huge debtor

We all need Earth, so don't be a fool
Besides, helping the earth really is cool
Don't pollute, and it'll be all right
So our doesn't have to fight

What we're doing here, to help our Earth
Is planting trees with a very high worth
So we were there, but how 'bout you?
'Cause coming to Earth Day is the thing to do

We all need Earth, so don't be a fool
Besides, helping the earth really is cool
Don't pollute, and it'll be all right
So our Earth doesn't have to fight

Earth-minded is the way to be!  I'm out!  Peace!


Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, rain, go away
You have ruined my happy day
You killed the sun's bright ray
And so, I must solemnly say:

Despite being so common in April and May
The rain, especially near the Chesapeake Bay
Makes the sky depressingly gray
It cancels fun stuff like outdoor ballet!

I wish I could make the rain pay
I wish I could cause it huge dismay
I wish I could kill it in a great display
Most people would think it was okay

But can I do this?  Nay!
And so, it will continue to ruin games of croquet
It prevents the writing of an outdoor essay
It requires the use of excessive hairspray

And so, we will continue to suffer from spray
Of cars in a hurry to go on their way
And sadly, we cannot fly away
To a rain free place like the town of Green Bay
Or maybe New Mexico, like Santa Fe
Internationally, there's the awesome Bombay

Rain is the downside of the USA
And while it is so easy to say:
"Rain, rain, go away"
It never seems to ever obey
Or even cause the slightest delay
But do not give up, don't be led astray
Eventually the clouds will pull away
And then, let the celebrations be gay*!
And so, let the masses shout "Hurray!"
And crowds will reply, "Yay!"



Rolling in across the land
Over fields of dirt and sand
Pushed by a small, cool, breeze
The eeriness puts you not at ease

Flying in like solemn ghosts
Often prevalent around the coasts
A strange weather phenomenon
Now it's here, soon it's gone

Visibility drops, and you can't see
Yet the fog is the cool place to be
Wet inside, your clothes get soaked
Even those nearby are easily cloaked


He sat there
Every day
For as long as anyone 
Could remember
Every day
Reading the newspaper
Just sitting there
As the world went by

Everyone knew him

But no-one
Really knew
Who he 

Every bothered him
Hardened criminals
Left him alone

From sunup 
To sundown
He sat there
And read the 

But then
One day
He was gone

The chair which
Had been
For so long
Solemnly Empty

It seemed Final

Everyone noticed
But no-one




which remained
A folded up

And he was gone.