A Girl Named Sue–Part 3

There once was a girl named Sue
She loved the color blue
Her friend liked red
So she solemnly said:
"You can't be my friend with that view!"

P.S. This poem is my Day 12 poem, but I was away on a camping trip.  My mom was supposed to post it (I wrote it on Friday afternoon), but she forgot.


Peace and quiet falls over the land
The breeze is cool, like a gentle had
As night falls, the children sleep
A hush falls over the flocks of sheep

Upon them, the stars twinkle down
The constellations are a soft white gown
We are on the way to eternal peace
One day soon, the fighting will cease

We are protected and held very dear
The one who loves us watches us near
So for today, there is nothing to fear
Just wait, and peace will soon be here

A Thousand Dollars

If you had a thousand dollars
What would you do?
Would you walk away with the hottest new shoes?
Would you buy people gifts?
Or support the poor?
Would you buy a new phone--or four?
Would you plant trees?
Or take a cruise
Across all the seas?
Would you be wise
With a thousand dollars?

A thousand dollars will buy you a lot
It can make you look pretty; 
It can make you look hot
But be careful,
As every wise man knows
A fool and his money are soon parted.

P.S. Congratulations to the Dissolved Oxygen Project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Traces of Winter

A gale blows across the street
Smooth and very cool
It howls at me
Its bite is cruel

Traces of winter can still be found
Even as spring has come
So while we clean and prepare
Be wary not to go numb!

Ancient Walls

Tough and resilient
Eternally standing strong
Determined and focused
Fighting for very long

These walls are ancient
The centerpiece of the neighborhood
They have fought endlessly
For generations they have stood

They will stand for years to come
Fighting back; being brave
There's something joyful about them
Their entire life to us they've gave.

Spring Sunshine

The air feels warmer
The people seem happier
Life seems easier
When the sun is shining down

Spring sunshine
Full of hope and joy
Spring sunshine
Full of life and rebirth

The days grow longer
The plants push up
Flowers bloom
When the sun is shining down

Spring sunshine
Full of hope and joy
Like the world is starting anew
When the sun is shining down