Can you believe it.
I was yelling.
I was arguing.
I didn’t like it
But I had to win.

Me and my friend, Zack.
I wanted to bowl.
He needed to play laser-tag.
We had a huge argument.
But we made up and decided
To play

Josh and I, An Awesome Time.

In 2008, Josh and I had a sleepover and we made a commitment to always keep in touch even when we move or get older. To this day, Josh and I still communicate together and we just had a sleepover 3 weeks ago. We swore to meet again and we plan on having another sleepover for my birthday and he is definitely invited. I look forward on seeing him for my birthday and having a blast because the last time we stayed up till 3 in the morning, playing video games. I look forward to it and I can’t wait.