
The chair solemnly sits, possibly a school chair a long lost time of peace and now…. gone.

A person left behind lingers for the sights, memories, horrors, life. To be lost in time and staying ,sitting, lasting.


So delicious a perfect match

batter and flour it’ll be done in an hour.

So delicious we’ll maul it, so vicious

The perfect thing award winning.

We’ll be eating and enjoying

half a slice of cake.

Let’s go and bake

I Love Hot Dogs and Doughnuts

Oh hotdogs

I love you,

with relish,ketchup,mustard.

Sausage and two buns

the only thing their missing is

two wings

because they fell from heaven.

Eat them at a cookout, a pool party,

or at the best place possible at a

Baseball game.

If there was a nickel for every moment

I cherished hot dogs (and donuts)

I’d be rolling in the dough, no pun intended

doughnuts and hot dogs.

I could start a doughnut business.

Sprinkles,chocolate glazed,regular glaze

oh the opportunities.

Doughnuts go everywhere. I love doughnuts

and hot dogs.

One World

Our world, one world, seven continents, you and me.

Diversity among the seven billion people in this world.

Friends, families, neighbors, mayors, presidents.

What makes our world so special?

The people religion, race, beliefs, gender.

That’s what make our world DiVErSe.


Birthday Bonanza

   It was April 26th 2007, and it was Brady and my own sixth birthday. The day was sure to be special since it already started out with a bang, when Brady and I got up this morning I fell out of my bed and hit my head. Now my mom and I,  headed to Food Lion for two cookie cakes. It was a cold day and a certain chill in the air and frost was on the ground, something special was going to happen. When Mom and I got to Food Lion the  we ordered two cookie cakes, the person at the bakery exclaimed

“The best cakes in the whole city are right here”.

They looked delicious with chocolate and sprinkles and cookie dough. I thought whoa this is… awesome! After that, we headed off back to  our old house in South Carolina. Mom, and Grandma announced once we got home and fooled around for 30 minutes

“the boys and parents accompanying them shall go to Denny’s at this time, I repeat the boy’s and parents shall go to Denny’s at this time”

    I thought to myself wow I always love going to Denny’s and having a good time.

  We got to Denny’s and I ordered a make your own grand slam with bacon and sausage a delicious combo fit for a king (me), my brother ordered french toast and a mouth watering omelet . Today was special all ready I could feel it. The waitress was very nice and got us free drinks “ on the house”. Everyone chomped down for five minutes. No one said anything because they were so engrossed in eating.

“ this is the stuff”

my brother exclaimed. After, everyone there had filled their stomachs we headed back to the house only to stumble on another surprise.

  Once we got back, we surprisingly noticed many cars lined up the street for the party. I was getting nervous and my hands were sweaty because I didn’t know if all these people were invited. Brady and I entered the big party and everyone just started rearing to go.The decorations were up and it looked like a professional birthday party. It was a total bonanza, there were soccer games,a sports tournament, snacks, the real deal. I participated in a sports tournament and racing my electronic Jeep throughout the yard nearly taking out a couple munchkins in the process. It couldn’t get any better. Little did I know that it could get much better.

    It finally came down to it, cake and presents time, my favorite part! My grandma wrangled up all of the kids and we all sat down on the deck and my parents got together the cakes and  put us up on the table and began to light the candles. John my friend who was invited suddenly moaned

“ I’m hungry”

    His mom whispered angrily

“ If you talk again you’ll get nothing and like it!”

That definitely got him silent as a sleeping dog. Mom announced the happy birthday song, then everyone chorused in and it was horrible. Nice to say but, sounded horrible. Of course I said this to myself. Then I made a wish but sweared not to tell. Not even to you reading this right now, yeah it’s that important or at least it used to be. Claps followed as Brady and I simultaneously blew out our six multicolored candles. Now to the cake, we opened up Brady’s box and there was a chunk of icing missing out of it.”I gasped surprisingly at the cake and mumbled

“How did this happen?’’

Brady began to throw a fit. Even for the rest of the day the mysterious icing culprit never turned himself in for “stealing” part of Brady’s cake. The cake was delicious it tasted like a giant chocolates chip and Oreo cake with Vanilla icing, the best a man can get. Everyone was dished a little cake and soda but some kids wanted more but that’s all they got. Then the sports and games returned for a bit and the party regained momentum  and  it  was a bonanza again. Everyone was back at it I engaged in a fierce baseball game with my friend Carson ,Russell, and Ray. My dad pitched and I played shortstop and Brady played second base. My dad pitched to Russell he hit it to me I tossed it to Brady he stepped on second base then threw the ball to first base, double play! Wow good job I thought to myself, that’s the first time Brady and I collaborated on a double play.

       ” Good play” my dad yelled. That’s how the rest of the game went. It was the best of times, but not the worst of times.

  Shortly thereafter, the trinkets came and I got a baseball bat and other toys I have been waiting for since the spring season just started. Now here comes the weird part, when everyone left and the last foot stepped out the door, It began to hail.

“Holy cow”

I yelled. It Started to hail right then and there for no apparent reason. Moms went running to get kids in their cars.It went on for about a minute then the ice pellets withered down and the small tics on the ground ceased. It’s like a witch didn’t like the party stopping and put a spell for hail so people would come back the house but it didn’t work. It surely was a weird day.

  For the next two weeks I kept on pondering about the icing culprit and how great of a time I had that day has forever been seared into my brain.What a great experience.

                                                                 The End