
It is what we walk on

It is how we get places

We couldn’t do anything without it

Without the ground we would just fall and fall and not stop

The ground can be any color

It can look anyway

It just does it job by letting us stay

The ground is everything

Jasper Johns

Bald on his head
Old is his age
Serious is his attitude

My uncle is bald
My uncle can be serious
My uncle is old

This man looks like my uncle
This man is serious like my uncle
He is not my uncle

Why is he so serious?
When will I see my uncle again?
Does this man have a family?

Store Games



    It was a warm sunny day and one of the last days of summer. Ryan my brother, are friends Ben, Jack, and I had no idea what to do. We were all bored out of our minds and nobody wants to be bored when school starts in a few days. Everyone was  starving. I got up and screamed “Let’s go to IHOP!” We were all excited to go and jumped on our bikes. “It’s only going to be 3 miles but some of it is uphill and it’s terrible weather for riding the bikes.” said Ben. We started riding and I was already behind “Sean, hurry up!” yelled Jack. I was already tired on this hot humid day. We went a shortcut through a bunch of construction developments. A bunch of construction people were yelling “Get out of the way!” It wasn’t really the best idea to go ride through where a bunch of construction people were. When we came out of the shortcut, it just made the ride longer. We all started cracking up when we saw a giant grocery cart with corn flakes, milk, and a package of hot dogs in someones yard.  Until we got to Simpson baseball field nobody said a word. Jack yelled “ Turn right since it’s not there are no cars on this street!” We all followed him. The only problem with this street it was a longer ride. In my head I was wondering why we didn’t just have my mom drop us off but I guess it was better to ride our bikes. Before I knew it we were at IHOP.

We walked into IHOP and the air conditioning felt amazing.  It felt like we were in a winter wonderland. IHOP had tan walls with tables everywhere and pictures of food. There were waiters everywhere waiting to serve the next customer. We all sat down in one big booth. The waitress brought us waters and immediately asked for our orders. Ben and I ordered chicken and waffles, Jack got pancakes, and Ryan french toast. When we were waiting for our food we all played paper football with the little packets you put in your coffee. That was really boring because Ben would score every time. A few minutes later the waiter came out with the food. The chicken was very crispy and looked amazing but the waffles were cold. It was a really weird combination but tasted amazing. I took a bite and I was astonished of the taste of the chicken and waffles. “This is amazing” Ben said to everyone”. “I can’t wait until football starts even though the Giants are going to be bad”. After that we all talked about the upcoming NFL season. After each bite the chicken and waffles got better. In about ten minutes we were all finished. It was definitely one of the best meals I have had in a while. We walked up to the cash register and payed the money. After that we got on our bikes and went to Target talking about how the meal was so good.

    We walked into Target and saw thousands of items. I immediately said “Let’s play a game where one person goes to the other side of the store and the other people try to find them.” “I’ll go.” said Jack.  We counted to 30 and Jack was gone. We had no idea where to go first. RING RING, I picked up my phone and of course it was Jack. At the moment we were walking around the store. “You’re going the wrong way Sean” Jack whispered. Then he hung up. Ben and Ryan started talking. “We are never going to find him” said Ben. “Yeah, we should just call him and leave this is boring” said Ryan. For the next ten minutes we walked around the store with no hope we would find him.” Right then I saw Jack near the electronics section. We all started sprinting throughout the store. When we were running I saw one of my mom’s friends. I quickly ran the other way so she couldn’t see me. “ Ben he went this way” I said. I turned the corner there Jack was. I tagged him and the game was over. “That was fun.” we all said. We all walked around the store just talking after that.

As we were walking through the bathroom supplies section for some reason Ryan found a plunger. Then on the white tile floor I found a small foam football. Jack suggested we play a game of baseball. Ryan wanted to be the umpire, I was the outfielder, Ben was the pitcher, and Jack was the batter. There was barely any room between the two isles. There was a big wall behind me. Toys of Spongebob and Dora were every where in the isle. We all started screaming “Strike him out!” Ben wound  up and lobbed the football into Jack. Jack swung with all his might and destroyed the ball. The ball went flying on top of an aisle, but quickly came tumbling down. There was a old lady and teenage son standing right where the ball was going to land. All the pressure was on me. I sprinted to the cart the old lady had and reached out as far as I could into the cart. The ball landed perfectly in my hand. The lady and her screamed as loud as they could when I caught the ball. They had definitely not seen that coming. “We won!” we yelled as we laughed to get ready for the next pitch. “See that catch Jack?” I said. He laughed and said “Yes.” Ben got ready for the next pitch, but an employee told us to stop and leave the store. The guy was still laughing since he saw the whole thing happen.

    We walked out of the store to our bikes, got on, and rode all the way home through the humid air. That was definitely a day to remember.