Mid-Mission Reflection Toby

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

Our mission is to improve the morning and afternoon announcements at George Washington middle school.  The purpose of our mission is to get students and staff to listen to the morning announcements everyday.  Our  hypothesis is that if kids and teachers hear the morning and afternoon announcements then kids and teachers will know what to do and where to go after school.

Real world skills I’ve learned

Three skills that I have learned through this process are one; I can write professional emails to people to help us with our mission project.  The second skill I learned is how to do effective research.   For example looking for a grant.  The third and final skill that I learned during the mission project is how to talk/interview people to helps us with our project.  I can use these skills outside the classroom to help me with a future job that I eventually will have.  I can also use the skills to help me when I am talking to someone that is considering if they need me or not as a employee.  It will also help me when I am talking to important people.

Challenges We/I Encountered 

Three challenges we encountered was one we could not find a grant.  Two not all of the classrooms had a TV in them to show the announcements.  Also we didn’t know if the school had a closed circuit TV (only TV’S in the school can see it).

Solutions We Tried Out

In the end we did not need a grant.  We did not need a grant because we have all of the equipment we need to televise the announcements.    All of the classrooms either have a smart board, projector or a TV.  We asked Mr.Draper about the closed circuit TV problem and he said that the school had a closed circuit TV.  Those are the solutions that we found for our problems.

Next Steps

Next, we need to make posters and hang them around the school to advertise to kids about being on the morning and afternoon announcements.   The signs will have the different rolls which are; camera man, newscaster and the audio guy.  The signs will also have pictures of some of the rolls.  We also need someone to supervise the announcements that will hopefully be made in the future.  Those are our next steps for our mission project.

Favorite Part of the Process’s 

My favorite part of this process’s was when our group interviewed Mr.McDonough.   That was my favorite part because Mr.McDonough is really funny.  Also we got to have a change when we were in his classroom instead of being in Mrs. Chintha’s classroom.   My final reason was that we got to do something different that one day instead, of the normal which would be sending emails to people to help us with our project.  That was my favorite part of the mission process’s.