A new “Dream”

How’s my dream going?

Will their be paradise?

Who will I see?

Who would I miss?


Days of dreaming

About the promise land

Miles and miles away

Still locked inside my head

So many new faces and feelings


Soon I’ll be able to see you in a different light

Starting fresh and new

Being different and unique

Living life like its nothing


There my dream goes

Long and far away

Soon to come

Soon to leave

Forever it goes


Kids think they are cool
They try and act different 
For unworthy people
Not realizing it's school

They come to class late 
Thinking their slick
The teachers know
When they try and act straight

They sin
They make bad choices 
Not understanding their mistakes 
Drinking bad gin

Schools over in June
Thank god its over
We think about the friends will miss 
Will see them soon

Love poem

Such a powerful feeling 
So intimate and beautiful
So great and passionate

So strong and lasting 
So caring and calm 
Only one can see in ones eyes

Some use for evil
Some for good
Hard to find 
Hard to express 

It comes and goes
It stays and last 

A New Light

Bright light
New Beginning 
Wonderful places
Bright light 

Creative thoughts 
Makes you imagine 
Where you could be?

Bright light 
New beginning 
Makes you wonder where you can be?
Who you can see?

Thoughts rushing through your mind
New ways of life
Who's there?

Bright light
So beautiful and different 
Great things you think 
Wonderful dreams 

Someday, somehow 
You'll find a miracle that suits you
One your happy with 
Bright light 

This poem is inspired by Mariah Robertson

Zip lining For The First Time

Ziplining for the first time

The last couple of days for summer, I went to a labor day retreat with the youth group at my


church. We left Friday and got their by 10:45 at night. It was the 3rd day we were there and we


had gotten split up into groups. My group was with my friend named Laura and Nicole, the rest


were boys. Our first station was the big swing. It was, where you get strapped up and the group


pulls a rope and you go up. Then you let go and you drop. I was scared, since I didn’t like


heights. After we did that, everyone had got unstrapped and a guy from the zipline came over to


our group and introduced himself, he told us where we were going and how we were gonna do


it. I never did ziplining so I didn’t know what is was gonna be like so I got really nervous!

We followed him up a hill and once we got to the top there were 2 other guys and 1 lady. The


guy asked “Can everyone get in a line?”  [Change this to dialogue] Everyone got in a line, and


they grabbed equipments, then the people who worked their put it on everyone. The lady asked


for someone to volunteer to go first, she picked a girl named Kylie. Kylie refused so she picked


Rebecca. Rebecca went up and said to us “Wish me good luck!” I gave her a slight smile and


said “You too.” When Rebecca stepped up the lady had tightened her gear. The she told us what


to hold and what not to hold, and what would happen if we held on to it. Once she finished


strapping Rebecca in, she pushed her down the line


Next, it was my turn. My stomach was starting to feel bad. The lady asked “Are you feeling


ok?”. I said “Yeah, Im fine!”, after that she told me if i wanted to hold on to anything. Then she


said “You ready!” She pushed me, and I rode all the way to the end of the line, there was a guy


who had stopped me and asked me “Which obstacle did I want to take?” There was a easy and a


hard one. My mind wasn’t thinking properly so I said “The hard one!!” He strapped me tighter


and he led me to the harder ine.. I looked and thought to myself. “Oh gosh! Can I really do


this?” So I started walking real slow. I looked at the obstacle and looked down.

My body was shaking and couldn’t stop. I kept going because I didn’t think I could do it. So I


started again and once I got to the middle I paused and tried to tell myself not to look down, but


keep in mind that I was still shaking. I couldn’t help but look down! I closed my eyes and tried


to think of good things. Then Finally, after taking forever on that course I finally finished the


first one.

After doing the first one I got tired. At the same time I felt accomplished. Then there was


another one after that one. It was like a climbing wall in the air. My face stood there looking


simple. I told myself “Tiana its alright! you’re not gonna die.” So I kept myself together and


started doing the obstacle, step by step, minute by minute.

At last, I had finished the course. My heart was pounding fast. I could hardly breathe. There was


a guy at the end who was going to unstrap you and add you to the wire that led you to the end.


The guy led me to take the bridge to the other side. He asked “Did you have fun for your first


time in the air?” I said gassed out “Yeah, It was fun!” Then let me walk across the bridge. Then


he attached me to the other wire that we send me back down the hill. Finally, he said “You


ready?” I was with a nervous voice, “Yeah I guess!” Then he pushed me down the hill. When I


got to the bottom the guy said “Pick your feet up!!” I tried. The guy helped me take my


equipment off waited for the rest of my group to get back. It took like 5 minutes until people


started coming down, we all gave each other highfives, and my group knew I didn’t like heights


so they asked me “How I felt and if it was fun?.” I said happy, “Yeah! It was fun, I got over my

