My Grandmother’s Desire

My grandmother is the best grandmother
I ever had
She makes me happy 
But she never makes me sad

She always wanted to win 
A million dollars
That was her greatest desire
Instead of getting lots of callers

She also hopes that
My family will get along
While she close her eyes 
Singing her favorite song


Because I'm Happy!!!
I clap along to the beat
I smile with my teeth 
While I stomp my feet

On the 4th of July
I see fireworks galore
With lots of animals
You can hear lions roar

I see my best friend
With lots of swagger
He likes to dance
Like the moves like jagger

In the Summertime

We are burning
When it's not cool
The big yellow sun 
Shining at the school

Stayed for summer camp
When it was late
The soldier was mean 
He made us stand up straight

The hot boiling sun
Rushing down like a sin
The sunlight is killing me
While a boy plays gin

Celebrations are being made
In the month of June
My birthday is coming 
It's coming real soon!

Robot Boy!!!

                                                                                                                           IT'S ALIVE
I bring you great joy

I give you my "Robot Boy"

He is so awesome