
Water as cold as ice

My foot slips in.

As the sun fades,

The moon’s light

dances across the ocean surface.


Wading in


And deeper.

Until my feet are barely touching

The sandy bottom.




The waves drag me under.

I struggle for breath,

As my back slides

Across the ocean floor.

My feet kicking desperately

As I reach for the surface.


Tiny fish

As slippery as mud,

Make their way

Through my flailing arms.


Salt water

Shoved down my throat,

My body recklessly pushed through

the enormous waves


Until I can’t



Myself and My Fear

I am afraid

Afraid of Fear

He swoops in with no resistance

into my brain, my heart

It gives me a reason to be afraid

Reactions, thoughts shoot across my

consciousness like bullets across a dead sky

This is where Fear comes from

This why I am afraid


Pulling, tugging me into oblivion

They say Fear is always good

They are wrong

Giving into fear is giving up

On anything that was good about life

Don’t give up

Don’t be afraid


They, the people are out to get me

Teasing, yelling, hitting, hating

They are his servants

Waiting for me to show weakness

I will not give up

Not to them

Not to Fear

They will never see me crumble

To his will


Fear is a part of me

I do not like me

But I will not give in

I will not give up

I am strong

I am not afraid



The Other Side

The Other Side



“What’s out there?” my eight-year old brother asked. He pointed up at the fifteen-foot concrete barrier that surrounded our village. The wall protected us, like a cage. The village was an acre wide, surrounded by the wall. No one had gone outside in decades. Those who did never returned.

“No one knows,” I replied. “Personally, I never want to find out. I would rather live in ignorance than be killed by whatever’s out there.” My brother frowned. The leaves danced, with a gust of wind.

“We have to get going soon. A storm is coming.” My brother stopped walking.

“Come on,” I told him, but he didn’t budge.


“How do you know that there’s something bad out there? You’re afraid for no reason. Maybe the reason everyone who’s ever left never came back was because it’s so great.” My brother wasn’t like anyone else. He never fit in with the other kids, and always talked about this nonsense. Boom! A thunderclap filled my ears.


“We have to go right now,” I told him.


“Fine,” he replied. I began walking toward the village. After a few seconds, my brother started swiftly stomping after me.


Soon, we arrived at the circle of small houses that made up the village and entered ours. My mom was sitting on the couch reading. “Hi mom,” I said.


“Hello Caden,” she responded. “Where’s Ryan? I thought he was with you.” She looked worried.


“Yeah. He’s right behind me.” I turned around, but my brother wasn’t there. Where did he go? I thought. How could he have disappeared without me noticing? My mother stood up and hurried out the door. “Wait!” I called. “You can’t go outside! There’s a storm!” She didn’t hear me, so I followed her out.


The heavy rain was so thick that I couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of me, so I waited outside of our house. After a few minutes my mother returned. She was soaked with rainwater and looked like she had just ran a mile.


“I told the elders,” she whispered. “They’ve gathered some men and are beginning a search.”


“I can help look,” I offered. She sighed. The look of disapproval on her face told me the answer before she even spoke.


“No. You can’t. You might get hurt,” she said.


“He’s my brother! It’s my fault he got lost and I’m responsible for what happens to him!” I ran off into the rain before she could say anything else.


“Caden! Come back here this instant!” she yelled, but I ignored her. I looked through the whole village. There was no sign of him. Where could he have gone? I thought. Why would he run off like that? Suddenly I remembered what happened in the woods. No. He wouldn’t. He’s not that stupid. No one even knows what’s out there. The wall was a guardian; it kept us safe. We had no reason to leave.


I arrived at the clearing where we had walked. I looked around. He wasn’t here. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something. A patch of ripped cloth, flapping back and forth in the wind. It was the same blue as the shirt my brother wore this morning. The cloth was stuck to the barbed wire that lined the top of the wall. My mind raced.


He went over the wall, when all of us were afraid not to. Why wasn’t he afraid? Fear is meant to protect us, just like the wall. What we don’t know or understand can be dangerous. Yet, we are still curious about the unknown while being afraid of it at the same time. They should cancel each other out, but they don’t. Some people are more curious than others, and some are more fearful. It’s just the way we are. But the way we are can get us killed. My brother overcame our fear of the unknown without even understanding that he did. He has the most courage out of all of us. He probably was afraid when he went over the wall. Courage isn’t not having any fear. It’s overcoming fear for a greater purpose. My brother was courageous because he overcame his fear for curiosity.


I grabbed a branch of the tree closest to the wall and pulled myself up. I climbed and climbed until I was able to scramble up onto the wall. I stepped over the barbed wire and looked up.


There were no trees on the other side of the wall. As far as you could see, the ground was black. I closed my eyes and jumped down. I didn’t expect a soft landing, but I got one. When I got up, I realized that the ground covered with a thick layer of ash. I saw remnants of concrete structures poking out from under the soot. They looked like they were drowning in the endless sea of blackness.


I knew my brother was out there. I can have courage too. I thought. I will find him. I gazed across the sea of ash, and took my first step into the rest of the world.


The boy sighed his last peaceful breath.

Gentle breeze of thought dissipates,

No future, no death.

Appearing again as a raging storm,

remembering all he had to mourn.

The battle is now in the heart of France,

The world twirling in a furious dance.


Too join the resistance for country and all,

to face a future to lose

as the earth crumbles and falls.


Protect the heart from events to come.

To safeguard their dread,

Children, wife, home as one.


Decision is the Fates torture.

The dead weight of a crossroad.

The undying agony of or.

A catch 22,

with so much to lose.

Too either I can devote.

Not thinking, just doing,

near or remote.

The terror that paralyzes every bone.

It’s all on you,

The conclusion is on you alone.


Flames red and gold,

Roar as the lions of old.

The depths of hades is in front,

the lives to save inside.

I push the hose aside and leap after the need.

The burnt wood is crying as it breaks.

I see a family in despair,

but a few heartbreaking children over there.

I can only save one.


Family is shouting for help,

Crying comfort to each.

Their lives as one in my hands,

Their lives I might drop.


Children silent, pale in the overwhelming light.

Still to grow into the skin that they own and

the mind they may lose.


Decision is the Fates torture.

The dead weight of a crossroad.

The undying agony of or.

A catch 22,

with so much to lose.

Too either I can devote.

Not thinking, just doing,

near or remote.

The terror that paralyzes every bone.

It’s all on you,

The conclusion is on you alone.


Seeing the full plate,

destined for the trash.

It is consuming her,

Bones are stark through the stretched skin.

Smaller, angrier, quieter, thin.

Realizing that I see,

Deathly silence beginning,

Worst of words uttered.

“I promise.”


Friendship, a ray of shine through the cloud.

No interference, just time and me, to heal.

It could not.

A life not worth living,

stolen under a protective grasp.


Help, health, a guarantee.

To open her mind

Forced, but future she will find.

But me she will blame,

Me pushed away in forever jab.

I would break my promise.


Decision is the Fates torture.

The dead weight of a crossroad.

The undying agony of or.

A catch 22,

with so much to lose.

Too either I can devote.

Not thinking, just doing,

near or remote.

The terror that paralyzes every bone.

It’s all on you,

The conclusion is on you alone.


The decision is the scare,

The choice is the agony.

Before is confusion,

After is instinct.

Time stands still,

Every ripple in the black swamp of terror,

Every thought, every second of indecision,

is another world on your back.

The weight suffocates you,

Questioning yourself on how you will survive

Until the choice is made and the path illuminated before you.

I Will Succeed


Period 3 Chintha

June 8, 2015


I Will Succeed


Eye on the prize

Mind on the goal

If I screw up my heart will nearly explode


Depression if I fail

Fulfillment if I succeed

Overwhelming courage is all I need


The passion of a dancer

The drive of a runner

Inching towards the top

But the winning never stops not even as I grow older


I know I fret shortcoming

Aswell as all imperfections

But I continue to give my all

Sometimes without even knowing


I’ve got the soul of a champion

The regret of a loser

And the serenity of a dove


But  most important of all…


I’ve got my eye on the prize

Mind set on the goal

If I ever screw up my heart will nearly explode


Eye on the prize

Mind on the goal

If I screw up my heart will nearly explode


Depression if I fail

Fulfillment if I succeed

Overwhelming courage is all I need


The passion of a dancer

The drive of a runner

Inching towards the top

But the winning never stops not even as I grow older


I know I fret shortcoming

As well as all imperfections

But I continue to give my all

Sometimes without even knowing


I’ve got the soul of a champion

The regret of a loser

And the serenity of a dove


But  most important of all…


I’ve got my eye on the prize

Mind set on the goal

If I ever screw up my heart will nearly explode

Fear On The Job Market By Gwen

Fear On The Job Market

When I was young, I liked to look at a picture book that was all about jobs. It frightened me a bit because I wanted to learn more about how I was going to be a vet and have a mansion, and be rich. How could I do this in the real world?      My fear is not having financial security and not having the right job.  What is financial security, you ask? Financial security is having the financial state that you have enough money to survive. In my family, financial security has always been in the back of our minds. The thing is, I feel  preordained to be a doctor, lawyer, professor, or scientist because I need to achieve this. All of these jobs give a good income and provide financial security. I remember when I was eight, my mother and father were frantically talking about managing the store my father owned and my father  said: “Gwen, never be self employed! Just get an easy job, like a doctor. ”

I went back to reading my book, but it lingered in my mind. How could I acquire financial security? What jobs could I get? My idea of a good job was a job that I could read books and drink capri-sun at my desk. That was the day that my fear came out.


Another thing that contributed to my fear was aftermath of the recession. I lived through this after period of joblessness. Many of my friends parents were out of jobs and many other people I knew were too . I said to myself,  “ Will this be me, when I’m older?’, “Will I have to get a whole new job,and face taxes,feeding my children,and other money related issues?” I heard my parents sitting on the couch after I went to sleep and fighting about taxes and other issues. It made me nervous and upset. When I saw pictures in the news of homeless people, I was very confused and afraid at such a premature age . I would not let this happen to myself. I axed my dreams of being a reporter and a vet. I said to myself,

“I’m gonna be a scientist or doctor.’’ That was that.  I said dreams are overrated, and left it there.


If you are wondering, I have never gotten over my fear. I have never really said what I truly want to be. I have always been extremely careful about money, and the idea of speculating about the future makes me sad. What do I want to be? I want to be a UN ambassador.  That sounds like it might be frivolous and far fetched, but I think it would be fascinating. That’s what I truly want to be, but if I’m in the real world, I’ll pick what’s best for my bank account, not myself  . But sometimes,when I think about my fear, I say “If you are only picking a job for money, how are you going to have goals to motivate you? Your goals would be just to get more money .” I feel like if I wanted to do a job that would be money motivated, my work would be hollow, with no meaning.
I think to be successful, you have to have the right amount of being grounded and having dreams. Many successful people have reachable  dreams, that they can follow and use it to motivate yourself. Success is not always about money, it’s not always about good jobs or such. It can be about helping others, or making change in a community. I can have a well rounded,fulfilling life without always being rich or always having a full bank account. If I really want a good job, why don’t I follow my dreams? My dream job is respectful and fulfills my needs. And when I think about this, I say my fear of not having the right job is foolish. I can have the life I want without being a doctor, lawyer, or scientist.

Courage High, up

High Up

I’ve had a terrible fear of heights my entire life. It’ll, sometimes, stop me from experiencing some really enjoyable things. My friends and family constantly tell me there’s nothing to be afraid of but, it doesn’t change anything, I still won’t go on roller coasters, tall buildings or anything to high.
One day, my family was visiting Paris. We had gone to The Louvre, Notre Dame and, The Catacombs. I was ready to head home but, my mom wanted to see The Eiffel Tower since she had always wanted to. We started walking over but, the closer we got, the scareder I got. I had heard the Tower was extremely tall but, it looked like it was billions of miles high. We entered the huge line for the elevator to go up. I was almost trembling with fear. My dad noticed I my fear. “Hey, if you don’t want to go, we don’t have to.” I hated being an inconvenience so, I said I was fine. My Dad knew I was lying. “Listen,” He said looking me in the eyes, “I’d like you to go up, at least to the 1st floor. If you want to come back down, We will but, I want you to give it a chance, Okay?” I really didn’t want to but, I wasn’t about to be rude now, not after my family had taken me here. I agreed to do it.

As we reached the front of the line, I started to worry. Even the first floor is EXTREMELY high up but, atleast we weren’t going to the top. We climbed onto the elevator and it took us up to the 1st floor. When the doors opened, I weakly walked out, feeling a bit nauseous. I walked over to the side to look at the view. When I looked over, I didn’t get the usual sick feeling I get when I did that. Actually, the view was really nice, I stayed awhile and looked for our hotel. After a couple minutes, My parents came over. “Alright, we had our fun. Ready to head down?” They said
“Well, if you guys want to go one more level, I’m okay with that.” I said smiling. They looked at each other and grinned. “Well,” My mom said. “We don’t want to waste our tickets now, do we?”

A Small Boulder

a big brown cow thundered towards me

a small boulder on a set path towards me

by me again


the worst enemy was not the cow

I turned around and saw his big red face

I let them by me again


cow’s hooves were thudding on the ground

they were as scared as I was

he yelled at me and others

Retaliation just makes it worse


my sandwich

5 minute break

Back in the coral


The smell of the wild flowers

the scent of spring

wafted through the air

only thing that kept me sane


leather seat in his truck

Hot, sticky leather seat

His words hit my face like stones

tackled me to the ground

only the first load

Macabre Dreams

They know what I’m afraid of.

I can see a disturbed face.

It shines through darkness.

It gives me chills.

As my eyes adapt to the dark.

I see each bump on my arms.

Strange noises come to my ears rapidly

Like a child crawling for candy.

It’s their anthem.

But it isn’t the normal beautiful type of anthem.

The rhythm has weird noises, like a broken cello when played.

A rocking chair moves along, it is their lord.

Their director.

My mouth is drying.

I can feel cracks opening inside of my mouth.

Something is getting closer and closer to me.

Each second is turning into minutes.

I feel like hours have passed.

All my mind can do is think.

Think about what is coming to me.

A vigorous smell comes inside my nostrils.

From there I can feel it moving up my brain.

The scent is tiring me

But I have to be strong.

Trying to look for the closest exit.

Walking around is my best chance.

Though it is very hard..

So I walk touching the furniture.

I touch something.

It almost burns me.

I am so terrified

There is no more blood in my veins.

Only the venom of fear.

Running for my life, I trip on something.

Waking up, I am sobbing.

But then I remember.

This was just a dream.

A memory that reminds of the time I had this fear.

Alone and Afraid


I don’t fear tomorrow

The dark no longer scares me

The darkness

A shark swimming in my head;

A shark trying to scare me

Although, I still have fear inside me


What I fear is not on paper

No words can explain it

My fears seem to be infinite

This world can take me down


What I fear is much deeper

It isn’t cold or hot

What makes me complain

Is the fear of losing everything


It’s the fear of fear itself

That makes me fear at night

The fear of fear itself

That gives me nightmares at night


The fear of going away

Leaving myself inside

Is what makes me so afraid that I have to hide