Week #12 and It’s Time to Shelve (Old habits and Behaviors)

First of all, we want to start off by wishing all the best to our SAT testers this Saturday. We know you will put your best effort in, and reap the highest score possible. ACT testers next week, be sure you are making the most of the time to get prepared for the exam on December 12th. 


The theme for this week/month is Deadlines! College/University/Scholarship/Class assignment deadlines are set, and you need to be sure you have them clearly marked on your calendar so you can plan accordingly. In addition, not only does your counselor need time to complete and submit all of the required documents, so do the teachers that you are requesting letters of recommendation from. Please make sure you are allowing at least two weeks between your request and the due date for any recommendation letters you are requesting. Also, be sure to send the request through Naviance, and provide them with a resume. Remember to follow the directions at the bottom of this link for requesting recommendations.

Upcoming Events

December 5th: Essay Writing Workshop at 11:00 Room B111

December 7-11: SoL Testing (Reading, Math, History, & Science) (Don’t forget to check to see if you qualify for a Substitute Test qualifying score (link), and/or see your counselor for more information)

December 7th: Fall Sports Awards Night

December 8th: Financial Planning Workshop (by counselor during the day, and a special presentation at 5:30 on Financial Aid & FAFSA 101)

December 10th: Deadline to turn in Pink Packets for January 1st college application deadlines

December 12th: ACT

mid-December: Senior Fundraiser Items Delivered to TC

December 21-January 1: Winter Break (Whoo hoo!!!)

January 1st: Important Deadline for Many colleges and Happy New Year

January 5th: Deadline to turn in Pink Packets for January 15th college application deadlines

January 15th: Another Important Deadline for Many More Colleges

January 18th: Dr. Martin Luther King, jr. Holiday (NO SCHOOL)

February 20th : Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival (info link)

Academic Honor Lists for the First Quarter

We are so proud of our seniors who are striving to maintain academic excellence in their last year of high school. Please take a moment to congratulate our All A, Honor Roll, and Merit Roll students, and encourage them to keep up the great work! We look forward to celebrating even more seniors in the second quarter!

All A Honor Roll list

Honor Roll list (3.5-3.99 As and Bs only)

Merit Roll list (3.0-3.49 As, Bs, and a C or two only)

Perfect Attendance list

Hour of Code Comes to TC

What an exciting opportunity to be on the cutting edge of technology. This is the foundation for so much of what we use today, and is a tremendous experience to be a part of. Take a look at this link for more information! Also check out “Everybody Code: Teaching and Learning an Essential 21st-Century Skill” link

Senior Packet Orders

Did you miss when representatives from Herff Jones were in the cafeteria on Thursday? You can still contact Herff Jones to place your order an pay your deposit. Here is the link to information about packages and how to make your payment.

Looking for $ome Fund$ for College?

Have you taken a look at Mrs. Feldman’s latest Scholarship list? Link Now that many of you have moved from completing college applications to putting efforts into finding funding for college, this is a great tool to assist in your search. In addition, Tuesday, December 8th will be an important day to learn more about financial aid presented by the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria.

In addition, we have just learned about two other specific scholarship awards that we wanted to spread the word about:

Local: Beat the Odds Alexandria link

National: UNCF African American Students Pursuing STEM careers link

We hope you have a great day, and be sure to utilize all of your academic and college planning resources. Whether in this building, or online, there are lots of resources available to assist you through this year, you just have to ask.