Lean and Mean in Week #17

Now that the fourth quarter is underway, the celebrations and exciting events are starting to happen with greater frequency. It was wonderful to see seniors involved in the #InspireVirginia presentation on April 26th, and all of the seniors who registered to vote. Also, we enjoyed welcoming Ms. Leigh Williams from James Madison University as she spoke with our seniors who will be a part of their class of 2020. The AVID Senior Recognition ceremony was beautiful, but also bittersweet as we prepare to say goodbye.

With all of these events already occurring, we know that there are many more to come, and so it is extremely important that you are scheduling your time effectively, and staying on top of your work because the next 49 days are going to fly by!

Here are a few more things to add to your personal calendar, including AP Testing which starts on Monday…

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It’s Sweeeeet Week #16 for the Class of 2016

Let the fourth, and FINAL, quarter begin!!!!!

We have to start out with a HUGE shout outs to seniors Taj Ranna and Rubaiyat Rhidoy for their recognized excellence recently. Taj is being recognized for his historical project on President Taft. He will be receiving a $1,000 award, and his work is being celebrated at an upcoming Washington Nationals baseball game. Read more about Taj’s special recognition by clicking here. Rubaiyat created an amazing documentary on “For Profit Prisons” that garnered him honorable mention recognition in a nationwide contest. Take a look at this very informative documentary by clicking here.

Also, once again, in case you missed it, as you work to finalize your college decision take a moment to explore the information we presented last week at the presentation “Admitted: Now What?” on this link to assist in your decision making process Also, please take a look and/or listen to this interview with financial expert Mellody Hobson (Financial expert and filmmaker George Lucas’ wife) on paying for college, and the importance of using cash only to watch your spending patterns (link).

Here are a few more things to add to your personal calendar…

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It’s Week #15 & Here’s hoping Your Grades Are In the Green

Whew! We made it through another week, and are now one week away from the end of the third quarter of your senior year. It was great to talk with families about making the college decision on Thursday morning, and hearing about the decisions that some of you are making for your future. It was also wonderful to learn about Year Up on Tuesday, and have so many seniors come to be a part of the conversation about this excellent, nationwide, post secondary option.

Coming up this week we have the HUGE Career Fair taking place on Thursday afternoon (April 21st!!!). Make sure to come in professional dress, and bring copies of your resume in order to present yourself in the best possible way to potential employers.

Lastly, if you would like the information from the presentation we did on “Admitted: Now What?” feel free to explore the items on this link.

Here are a few more things to add to your personal calendar…

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Staying focused on the TC Scene in Week #14

Well we are two weeks away from the end of the third quarter, and so much closer to the end of this high school journey. It is soooooooooo important that you maintain your grades and attendance because teachers have the ability to request a grade adjustment if the grade is not reflective of appropriate attendance. We want everyone to end strong, so stay focused, stay in class, and stay excellent Class of 2016!!

The rest of April is packed with important events and information, so please stay tuned, and engaged. It was quite surprising how many people indicated they did not know that Herff Jones was on campus today for the last time to take cap and gown orders in person. It is vital that seniors are paying attention so you don’t miss anything!!!

Here are a few things to add to your personal calendar…

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Mr$. Feldman’$ April/May $cholar$hip New$letter

Dear T.C. Students, Families, and Alumni,

Class of 2016

“Admitted: Now What?” Breakfast for Parents of Seniors at 8:15am on Thursday, April 14th

All parents of seniors are invited to a free breakfast and information session on Thursday, April 14th from 8:15-9:30 AM in the Quiet Dining Hall at T.C. Williams. Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, College and Career Center, and counseling staff will share information and resources to assist your family with evaluating financial aid offers from colleges and finding the right fit for your student.

Since many families may have personal questions, we will have sign-up sheets to schedule an individual appointment with one of our staff members to review your child’s offers. Please plan to join us for this important presentation as your family prepares for National Decision Day on May 1st. Interpretation is available with registration. Continue reading

Feeling Fresh and Clean in Week #13

No April foolin’, we are less than 80 days away from graduation. Funny how time flies, but sooooo much still left to do to end this school year on a successful note! As many of you start to review those admissions offers from colleges, please remember that they will still be requesting your final year grades. In addition, you will need to keep your grades up for Senior Experience, so keep focused, and make sure you don’t lose any of these wonderful opportunities in the final months of high school.

It was great celebrating our last Spirit Week with you, and the big wins in the Basketball game and final singing competition! 🙂

Seniors-Silly-1-1April 1st pep rally

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