Here’s What’s New in Week #2 (of 2016!)

This long weekend we have the opportunity to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, jr. with our words and actions. Take some time to reflect on how you treat others, and the ways that you can serve others to make life better for all. There are lots of events throughout the metropolitan area this weekend to celebrate Dr. King’s legacy, and to allow you to give back to the community as we honor his life of service. Make the most of the “Day on” Monday, and continue to strive to be the best you that you can be!

Dr King Holiday

Upcoming Events…

January 15th: Another Important Deadline for Many More Colleges

January 18th: Dr. Martin Luther King, jr. Holiday (NO SCHOOL)

January 20th: Mandatory NOVA Pathways Program Meeting During YOUR lunch (Please get a pass from the College and Career Center that morning)


January 21st: SFA Scholarship Completion Session 3:15-4:15PM in the Rotunda AND then 4:15-5:15PM H.A.V.E. Foundation Scholarship Essay Writing Workshop (same place)

January 23rd: SAT test and Winter Formal

January 27th: Managing Teen Anxiety Workshop (link, register by 1/20) AND SFA FAFSA Completion Assistance Session 5-8PM

February 1st: Yet Another Important Deadline for Even More Colleges

February 4th: End of the Second Quarter/First Semester

February 5th: Scholarship Fund of Alexandria Application due by 4:30PM

February 6th:  ACT

February 12th: Special Alexandria Hall of Fame Ceremony @TC (info link)

February 20th : Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival @ TC (info and registration link)

February 19: LAST ASVAB test for military placement held at TC (sign up starts February 1st in the College and Career Center and fills up QUICKLY!)

February 28th: NOVA Pathways Program Kick Off to College Program at George Mason University! (More to come for accepted students!)

Important Events Coming Your Way

SFA Scholarship, Essay Writing, and FAFSA Completion are just a few of the ways that you can receive vital assistance with completing your college readiness tasks. Please take advantage of this opportunities being provided by the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria to ensure you are meeting important deadlines, and completing required documents for college admission. Also, keep checking the scholarship lists and deadlines in Naviance and provided via Mrs. Feldman’s email (link) and Twitter to capture money that is available to support your college dreams.

Managing Teen Anxiety Workshop on January 27th

This can be an exciting, yet stressful time, and we want to encourage all of you to pay attention to your mental health as well as your physical health. On January 27th (after you have attended the SFA FAFSA completion workshop) please plan to attend this workshop held on Minnie Howard’s campus to learn more about how to deal with the symptoms of anxiety in healthy ways. For more information click here.

HUGE HBCU FAIR Coming to TC on February 20th

Now is the time to register and prepare for the 14th Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities College Festival held on TC’s King Street Campus on Saturday, February 20th. Click on the registration link above to sign up, and see this flier for more information. It is in your best interest to explore what colleges will be in attendance, and apply ahead of time, even if you are doing “onsite admissions.” Also, you will need to remember to let your counselor know of any schools you apply to and/or receive onsite admission to during the fair. Much more to come!!

Senior Experience Information Coming Your Way

It is definitely happening, and we hope you have started to explore possible internship opportunities with career fields that interest you. More information will be coming out early next month, but the more prepared you are ahead of time with possible opportunities, you’ll be ahead of the game to get your placement approved. Just make sure you have will be academically cleared to participate!!!!

Pathways Program Meeting

Congratulations to all of the students who were accepted to the NOVA Pathways Program. Be sure to respond to the acceptance letter, and enroll online. Also, your attendance is required at the MANDATORY meeting on January 20th during lunches.  Please come to the College & Career Center to pick up your blue permission form and check your email for more specific information.

Finally, GREAT JOB WITH SPIRIT WEEK Leadership Team! Your service to your fellow Titans is greatly appreciated! We had so much fun dressing up all week, and look forward to our second pep rally as SENIORS!!!

Have a wonderfully long weekend!