Beauty in the making

The flash is bright 
The picture is dark 
Photographing the city at night 

The camera strains to capture the light in the dark 
A careful movement and click a flash of light 
He grins wide and jovial 
A new piece of art ready to be shared

He straitens out and moves, 
finding new angles to capture the light from 
The city at night is like a thundstorm
Constantly moving, intense beauty that only few things can create
And the camera can't get enough 

The camera never not needing new shots 
Constantly creating art 
Living life with longing for beauty 
And that he creates 
Building on the already beautiful city at night 

An Observation of the World

I am many birds


I was a young bird

Dreaming of what life would give me

Imagining the day when I fly


And then I grew

I watched the mountains and the valleys sing

I thought of their lives

Giving so much and receiving little

Except for what’s important

Which isn’t actually little at all


Now I will fly

I lift my strong wings

I sweep and soar over the country I have observed

Observing it once again


I talk to many but speak only to some

Stopping to rest in many trees but finding only some suitable for a nest


Sometimes I am a social chickadee

Sometimes a silent raven

Often I am the bossy mockingbird

But most times I am the goose that leads the v formation who often forgets that she is not alone


I only am content soaring higher

My limber wings bringing me up

There I find what I have searched for

A way to give back

And so I sing

The music filling me

It can be heard from far and wide


And so I stop for a minute and listen

Then return to my observation of the world


To many other birds I am kind and intelligent

They find my observations a sign of wisdom of focus and drive

But to those who actually listen and actually see

I am a bird of prey

Strong and protective


And so I observe

Discreetly swooping in for the kill

Confidently flying higher and higher

And when I am through

I go to the birds that actually listen

I trust in them with a fierce devotion

And in return

They trust me

Free to Love

Our Topic: Marriage Equality

We think that it is an important topic because it exercises our right to the pursuit of happiness where everyone can be with who they love. It is also a fundamental right to be treated equally and fairly and it is completely absurd for one person to be able to marry the person they love and another person not to be able to. It also bothers us that people are bullied because of their feelings toward other people. We want to end this and stop this bullying and unfair laws. This country is on the step to success starting with the supreme court ruling and hopefully soon no one will be criticized about who they love.