Mid-Mission Reflection Kate

Mission Topic, Purpose, and Hypothesis

Our mission at George Washington Middle School 2, is to out bulletin boards up all around our school. We are doing this because, we want to help showcase our work to our schools community. Also we want to share with everyone how much we know and our amazing work. If we can get the funding or donations that we need, we can be able to show the work of our school to everyone in our community.

Real World Skills I’ve Learned

Three skills that i have learned through this process are, you have to be persuasive while talking over the phone. So you can be able to get the money or donations that you need. Also you have to be able to take rejection easily and not take things too personally. If you take it personally then you might not want to try again, so you want to be open-minded and persevere through the hard times. Lastly I learned that we can never give up. If you give up, you might never be able to see what you missed out on. I can use these

Challenges We/I Encountered

Three of the challenges we encountered were tough but we found solutions to them. One of the challenges we faces was not being able to get what we needed. It was really hard to not be able to have the things we needed, since we couldn’t make a change without them. Another challenge was when we accidentally deleted all of the hard work we had just written down. It was really annoying and we were going to have to write it all over again, which would be really hard to do. One of the hardest challenges we faced was coping with rejection. It was really hard getting turned down and we couldn’t do anything  but keep trying. It was difficult to do but we all moved on and tried hard.

Solutions We Tried Out

Some solutions that we tried to overcome our challenges with were really helpful. We really worked hard to over come all of the tough challenges we faced. One of them was, we kept trying no matter what came at us. We persevered as much as we could to get over the challenges. We also stayed positive throughout this whole process, so far. We were always positive and helpful to each other through all of our rough challenges. One of the last solutions we tried was finding a way to un-delete the work we accidentally deleted. We finally got all our work back and could keep going on and not be slowed down.

Next Steps

Next, we need to write letters to Ace Hardware to receive the bulletin boards they will donate to us. We also have to find teachers to help with the bulletins, and be able to take on the task after we leave the school in two years. Another task we need to complete is to find more grants for more of the bulletin boards we need. We also have to write more letters to our schools fire safety people to find if its okay to put up the boards where we want them to be.

Favorite Part Of The Process

My favorite part of this process so far is getting to know my group better. I didn’t really see me being good friends with them, it was really nice to learn more about them. One of the girls i worked with was one of my good friends so we already knew each other well, but the other girls i didn’t really know. I got to see how they really were and they are all really nice and fun to work with. I also enjoyed working with them because they helped me to be more successful in the things i needed help on.