Some Experience

souls of helpless people

scrambling to survive

like an ant scrambling from a psychotic fly

some do not make it

the lightning strikes

big and scary


The gust of air

scratching my face

I taste the dust

so bitter yet sweet

last glimpse of sunlight

my heart begins to beat


lost spirits

now float about

hesitant hands hopeless

on grabbing


to save

this poor man


The smell of nothing

it seems

my nose so numb

blood rushing now to the tip of my tongue

But somehow my mind

not rotten but broken


the clinking of string

Maybe a pure being

Alas, a parachute

Saved so sweet

to save I must

jump out:

swift feet


I see the plane


Sinking in the belly of the beast

The worst way

of death it seems

but now i see

there is not another

pure being here

but me

A Pencil’s Life

"Stop please!"
Say's the pencil #2
The pencil pleads painfully in agony

Finally, the giant stopped writing 
The pencil's lead was almost out 
But the giant could not hear his shout
The giant places him on the tip of the desk

Leaning on the the edge of the desk
Like a person hanging on for his life
He closed his eyes awaiting death
Finally it tips over and seconds later...

Cat Spirit

I am a cat

quiet but deadly

making sure to claim my territory


With the skill of being sneaky

I get what I want

No one suspecting a thing


I am a cat

creative and smart

the outside it sweet and nice

but the inside is DEADLY