I Wonder



What’s out there

I wonder

Deep down, dark and dank

Drawing for me a blank


What’s out there

Nothing to be seen

Don’t know what to expect

What does it all mean


What’s out there

Giving me no clue

What do I do

It’s covering the blue


What’s out there

What I don’t know scares me

Forcing me to believe

There’s something there to beware


What’s out there

The darkness looks down on me

It’s dark eyes like colorless balls of light

Lighting up my fear as I sleep every night.
Whats out there?







so many faces


like resin







feasting on gossip

spreading it around

like evil jam

on a sandwich


sly words

left and right

will you give in

or continue to fight

it’s all a game

which side are you on

are you a player

or are you a pawn


false faces

sculpted faces

caring on the outside faces

they can manipulate you

without any traces


By Lily

Do I Speak

Up in front of all of your friends

All your friends staring at you,

Worried about what they think,

All your friends thinking about your presentation

Up in front of your enemies

Laughing at you

when you mess up,

judging you,

Talking about you,

Up in front of all your teachers

Looking at you,

Thinking about you,

Grading you,

Having the power,

Up in front of everyone

staring at you,

judging you,

only thinking about you,

Then you finish.

And you become one of the people

Unless You Think About It

It’s a way of life,

the darkness always comes,

it is sent from heaven straight above.

don’t be scared,

don’t fret,

it’s not real,

unless you think about it.

Overpowering you,

thinking about it more and more,

you start to feel it hover over you like a plane,

consuming your state of mind until you fall to the floor,

begging the dark angel not to kiss you to sleep,

never waking up again you raise to your feet.

Is it just space, or on top of a cloud,

are you going to meet God,

or go straight down?

Your friends and family miss you,

you have nothing to do,

you don’t even notice they start to forget about you.

Don’t be scared,

don’t fret,

the darkness doesn’t consume you,

unless you think about it.

By: Olivia


Afraid and alone

Two dreadful feelings

I’m scared, where is everyone?

Did they leave?

Where did they go?

Why am I not with them?

So many questions,

Yet no answers.


Mother, Father, my brothers, my sister, my friends

Did they disappear too?

I feel so lost

No one is telling me where they are

My world is off-balanced

I’ve never felt so scared, so ignored and so shutout.


Do I have to face my problems

With these cold, dreadful feelings

Slowly pushing me down

Making me feel like a coward

And, that they left for reasons

Reasons that I’m not aware of


I just know

That they’re gone

That I’m left stranded

And pushed away from the rest of the world

One for the Murphy s Chapters 12-20

1. My connection to the book a one for the Murphy s reminds me of the time when I first met my grandparents.

2. Analyze: Carley is lonely and very courageous and outgoing. Carley reminds me of myself because she has gone through  many very challenging times in her adolescent life. She makes me wonder what it would be like to have to live with someone you do not know and who treat you like a daughter/son. Carley must be very scared about having to move to a new house and she is trying to make it feel like home. Carley just wants people to understand her and what she is going through.

3. Question

Why do you think Carley wants to go back to her mom?

Why did Mrs. Murphy step in front of the police officer and protect Carley?

Why is Carley so scared of her new family?

Why did Daniel try not to accept Carley?

One For The Murphys Chapter 12-20


Carley reminds me of me because I seem to look like I don’t care but really do.


Mrs.Murphy is very caring and loving.For example she will do anything to make Carely happy and protected.Also feel like she belong into the family.This mean that Mrs.Murphy will do anything for Carely even though she is not her own child.Therefore,Mrs.Murphy thinks about others.


Why do you think Carely don’t want to do the project with Toi?

Why did Mrs.Murphy protected Carely from the police officer?

Why is Carely surprised about the Easter basket?

Why did Daniel


One for the Murphys ch.13-20

1. Mrs.murphy reminds me of my mom because she always asks how I’m doing and cares about how I feel.

2. Mrs. Murphy is a very nice and caring  lady. She loves Carley the same way she loves her biological children. She always cares for Carley and how she feels, she tries to relate to Carley’s situation. She always wants to make things right wether it’s with Carley or even clea2.ning something, she always cares for people like a nurturing mother.


1. Why does Daniel always get frustrated or mad when things don’t go his way or not doing it right?

2. Why did Mrs. Murphy not get mad or frustrated when she found out that’s Carley’s skipped school?

3. Why do you think Michael Eric get a seizure or get sick in the first place do you think he will be ok in the future?

One for the murphys chapter 13-2

1. Connection

Carley reminds me of the time when my friend carlos didn’t come to school because he had to do somthing with his family .


2. Analyze

Carley is cool and chill. For example,she doesn’t panic or get really scared even when michael eric had a seizure yet she still can be an emotional person especially when it comes to her real mom. This means that she is a strong enough to step up and be a leader when she is needed. Therefore Carley is one of my favorite characters in the book.


3. Question

  • Why do you think carley never exepts Mrs.Murphy even after all they have been through together?
  • Why does daniel always get mad when he sees carley even though he knows she is not part of the family ?
  • when will the officer come back to ask umore questions to carley about what happened on that day?








One for the Murphys Chapter 1-12


Carley reminds me of the time when my friend Diana went to foster care because her parents die and dint had any family.



Mrs.Murphy is kind and helpful. For example, Carley asks for orange juice and Mrs.Murphy went and got it for her. Yet, Carley feels bad because she didn’t want to betrayed her mom. This mean, Carley feels bad and sad. Mrs.Murphy is being kind but Carley didn’t accept Mrs.Murphy.


Why is Carley sad about a new house?( foster home)